TwilightXFlashSentry's avatar


Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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TheMaskGamer's avatar

Love this ship!!! Flashlight forever!!!

KKhocolate155's avatar
Does anyone do Equestria girl requests?
Natethgreat1's avatar
Hey im sorry I didn’t approve your request to add my art to your gallery sooner but you’re welcome to if you send another request and I’ll check every day to make sure i got your request man. Flashlight forlife!❤️🤟
xxxkayceejrxxx's avatar…

Attention my fell Flaslight shipper on Feb 27th I'm going to make a 10 reasons Flash and Twilight should get together and I'll need you help to make it do so and I'll have you name posted on said video. Here are the rules.
1. It has to be a reason not a just because
2. You can have up to three reasons
3. It's must child friendly
4. You must share you comments to my Facebook or Deviantart or replies.
5. One persons reasons at a time.
Count-Author's avatar
  1. Because introducing a new aspect of friendship and relationships is what the show is all about; Growing.

2.. Because all sorts of ideas can be thought of for the characters and relationships they share.

3. It would give a chance for Vincent Tong to voice more of Flash Sentry. I loved how he was given a more prominent role with Sandbar and I'd love for Flash Sentry to not be held back by unreasonably popular demand.

xxxkayceejrxxx's avatar…
Hello my fellow Flashlight shipper check this out!