SushiTwilightberry on DeviantArt

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Went to Itsudemo Sushi yesterday since my aunt had her birthday there and she invited my mom + me(and some other people too).
This is what i had, and it was yummy. 
Altho i didn't like the one that's under the tunapaste sushi between the two that have whipped cream ontop of them, i forgot what it had in it.
Oh the whipped cream ones had banana etc in them so it's not like they had fish or something =P .
The dessert was good but a bit disappointment because you'd expect there be Japanese things but they just had two different type of ice cream, mud cake, other type of cake, cookies, fruits, salted peanuts, cream puffs and shrimp chips(or something like that). I was hoping they have mochi, i've always wanted to taste it.
Like, i repeat, it was good. I loved the dessert but i was expecting there would of been more Japanese things.
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