Tutankhamun's avatar


Sharon "Tut"
54 Watchers98 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
My Bio

Current Residence: Louisiana
Favourite genre of music: techno
Operating System: Windoze 7
Favourite cartoon character: A three-way tie between Starscream, Zechs Merquise and Sesshomaru
Personal Quote: Dare to be yourself.

Favourite Visual Artist
Hajime Sorayama
Favourite Movies
the 1986 "Transformers: the Movie"
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Enigma, DJ Tiesto
Favourite Writers
Jack London
Favourite Games
the "what-if" game...
Tools of the Trade
A little Adobe Photoshop, and a lot of patience...
Other Interests
writing, drawing, anime, ancient Egypt, American Indian culture and powwows
...What do all of these things have in common? They're all extremely rare. Particularly journal entries from me. Hopefully this will change, as I am getting the hang of the DA app for Android...neither of which existed when I first got on DA, but it's nice to see most of my stuff is still here. (Except private drafts/scraps, haven't found those as yet.) Longevity in social media, sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? ;) Unfortunately, it seems that every time I pick up my phone to compose even so much as a reply to a message, that invites the entire f&¢king WORLD to either strike up a conversation or need something from me... this time bein...
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It LIVES...!!!!

0 min read
Really! Wow. I'm still around! Good thing, right? ;)So much has happened since last time I posted here. (Namely, found a home, settled in, got some pet ducks, wrote a couple more books.) I've got a LOT of fresh artwork that I'll share eventually...hopefully, that will include some more animation. Nicer animation...as in, I'm finally in a college animation program, learning some cool stuff, kind of animation! W00t! So, in that vein, I have two observations to share:Observation #1: If you have skills doing traditional drawing - pencil and paper, figure drawing, painting, etc. - YOU ARE SPECIAL. We are a vanishing breed! And I need to talk to...
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You know what I said about wanting to come onto DA more often?Yeah...well...that was before, let's see:- Daryn's dad dying on April 3rd - we get told we have to move out of our apartment - those storms that flattened Tuscaloosa warmed up on us and knocked out power for 3 days - crazy house hunting, offering on one and finding it has termites and bad A/C that the owners won't fix - more house hunting - trying to work in the middle of all thisand just ARGH.   I have some art to upload, was in the middle of storyboarding for my next animation project, and so on, but that kinda got shot to hell for the time being. Hopefully after June things w...
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Profile Comments 63

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AzakiShimo's avatar

Hello I was wondering if you could do a request for me if not I understand sorry to bother you.

TeraStormTAS's avatar
xD I love your username.
zypherion's avatar
Since you like Egyptian stuff I thought I'd point you to this drawing I did.

ravenqueen22's avatar
I love the Roommates comic, yo XDD
Tiny-Terror94's avatar
Hey, are you making the Sesshomaru T-shirts for Mechacon this year?
Tutankhamun's avatar
Hi there, Kagome-twin, sorry for the late response! Unfortunately, while I registered for Mechacon this year, I'm thinking I'll have to cancel my table for this year. Got some really big things planned this summer that would conflict with it. But what t-shirt did you want to get, I can do online orders...
Tiny-Terror94's avatar
No problem. ^_^ I was hopping to get a reserve on a small sesshomaru T-shirt cuz I missed out last year T_T I guess I could do an online purchase, but it would have to be after con. Could you send me the link please?