Buffalo DanceTurtle-Arts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/turtle-arts/art/Buffalo-Dance-445471746Turtle-Arts

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Buffalo Dance



So I meant just to draw a buffalo, but then this happened instead. And actually, this is pretty normal for me. XD I draw a lot of random stuff that doesn't have anything to do with any of my OCs or any fandom or whatever, but most of it never gets posted because it's either drawn in one of my traditional sketchbooks and never scanned, or I never finish it. But my little sketchbooks are full of this kind of random stuff. Especially things with masks. I have a tendency of not liking to draw human faces in my sketchbooks (for various reasons) so they're usually full of animals/creatures and a lot of times I may draw a human/humanoid body and slap a mask on as the head because it's fun. And because I have a thing for cool masks. :dummy:

I was just going to post this on my tumblr (anna-earley.tumblr.com/) but I decided to share it here too, just for fun.  Which, for those of you who don't know- I do vary the postings a bit between DA and Tumblr.  As in, there's some stuff I post exclusively to each site, so if you're interested, there's always that to check out. :>

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