An apologetic message to TurnipStewdios by TurboJake200-Brony, literature
An apologetic message to TurnipStewdios
Oh man, What have I done?!😩😔😞 I wasn't trying to make a bad thing out of your artwork but it's just that I remembered seeing a picture that seemed disturbing and that is what made me get so dramatic. It's just that since I saw something in the past that seemed to me like it will terrify others, I just over reacted like the sky was falling, freaked out and paniced over something that was just a harmless thing!😞 Oh I really 💣ed up big time, didn't I?😞😩😫 Some things make me panic, shriek like a drama queen and freak out like Fluttershy because I was just afraid of what I remember seeing & I at time get carried away with being a worry wart that I end up screaming dramatic in panicing tones and shriek out of control!😔😞 I got worried over nothing and got dramatic over just a picture of changelingified Flurry Heart and I even just acted like someone who was being a coward!😔😞😫😩 Well, Fluttershy was right, some people are scared of some things!😞 This is nothing compared to when got scared of