Deviation Actions
I’ve been thinking a lot about narrative and storytelling lately. There’s been some good writing lately on the fact that, because narrative is a wholly artificial construct, it makes sense to warp and twist that portrayal to better get certain ideas across to an audience. Since comics work (at least on one level) as a visual representation of reality it’s easy to forget that.
I think, given that words are already an abstraction, literary folk are closer to that truth, and maybe it’s one reason I had such issues with writing the novel that eventually became Aphelion. I just wanted to stick readers in a room and have them look around and notice all the logos were weird and the phones are strange. I wrote too much and never moved along with the actual story. With comics I could put all that in the background and let readers peruse it at their leisure.
The idea is that Aphelion is witnessed more than it is narrated (how pretentious!), Deltavengers is straight-up-narrated, which I find difficult, but the learning process is immensely enjoyable.
Either way, awesome as always