Fight For Hades (20)tunim82 on DeviantArt

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Fight For Hades (20)



Giovanna goes to the Ceremonial anteroom to change for the fight and is accompanied by Sister Penance.

Giovanna: "Penance, you don't need to come. I won't use a bodyguard during the fight and you are very injured... with the delicate state of health of the two others, especially now, I can't run the risk of you aggravating any injuries."
Penance: "You know the sacred duty I have to protect you with my life. Mother Superior herself is the one who chose me for this mission."

Giovanna looks at Penance's injured face and observes his blond hair.

Giovanna: "I don't think I've ever seen you without your veil in these years..."
Penance: "Never at all... It's a tradition. We inherited it from the traditional orders. But today, I feel a duty to strip myself of these things and come to you woman to woman."

Giovanna found Penance when she gained access to her parents' accounts after they died in an 'accident' that was never explained. He discovered huge sums invested in a monastery in the Albania. Upon arriving there, he discovered the function of the place of such unconventional nuns and, in gratitude for his parents' role as patrons of the place, he received Penance as protector.

Penance: "I have always protected you as my sacred role, but today, when I saw you willing to sacrifice yourself to defend the lives of two women who others here treat as mere objects and to go to extreme lengths to bring justice for your parents, I felt I place at your side not as Penance. But as Aleksandra. And this one will share your destiny as joy."

Giovanna looks into Penance's eyes, or rather, Aleksandra, takes a deep breath and enters the arena.
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No matter how merciless and evil Giovana is she still has a sense of honor and least to her fighters and her parents.