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  • Aug 15, 1995
  • United States
  • Deviant for 12 years
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (256)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (3)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (2)
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Favourite Movies
Quantum of Solace, Casino Royale, Avatar, I-Robot, Django Unchained, Skyfall, War of the Worlds
Favourite TV Shows
Regular Show, The Walking Dead
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Flogging Molly
Favourite Books
Saving Private Ryan, Unbroken, Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Favourite Games
Call of Duty, Angry Birds, Pokemon
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Paper, Microsoft Word, My Mind
Other Interests
The Walking Dead
Hey, all! I know I haven't been active recently. Work at the airport has kept me busy and I've lacked the motivation to draw or write as of late. But that should change in the future. I have a few story and drawing ideas, I just have to sit down and hammer it all out. What required all of my attention was moving from my current apartment to a townhome. I'm happy to say the move went smoothly. My dad and brother flew out to help me, we got everything moved into the townhome, and the weather cooperated with us. Because the new complex was less than three miles up the road from my old complex, the actual move didn't take very long. After living at my current address for three years, I moved to a new place. The new place is larger, split into two floors, has a fireplace, and a one car garage. I've never had my own garage. Although the building itself is eight years older than my old apartment and rent is higher, it offers more. I moved out of the apartment for several reasons. In
anonymous's avatar
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Still here.

0 min read
Hi, everybody! I know I haven’t been active on DA in recent months, but rest assured I’m still here. Work has been keeping me busy. I‘ve stopped working on Boeing 767’s and am now primarily working on 747’s and 777’s. I have to say the coolest thing I’ve done so far is launch 747’s. Walk with the aircraft as the tug pushes it onto the taxiway, give the pilots clearance to start engines, wait until all four engines are running, pull the steering bypass pin from the nose gear, disconnect the headset, and get out of the way. It’s really something being the last person in front of a 747 with all four engines running. Four ceiling fans of doom idling not far ahead of me. When the taxiway is wet, I see vortexes form ahead of the engines. It’s pretty cool to watch. When I launch 747’s, I don’t feel uncomfortable doing it. Launching 777’s is a different matter. The engine is 24 feet across rather than about 8 feet. 777 engines rumble like you wouldn’t believe. The every air vibrates. You
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I started a new job at Kalitta Air! After working for Airborne in Wilmington for over year, I finally got a job back in my local area. Instead of working indoors carrying out heavy maintenance on Boeing 767’s and 757’s, I’ll be working outdoors carrying out line maintenance on 747’s, 767’s and 777’s. Instead of driving an hour and ten minutes to work, now I only have to drive 15 minutes to Cincinnati airport. I’ll save a lot of money that otherwise would’ve spent on gas. On top of that, I’ll be working on 747-400’s again and Boeing 777F’s for the first time ever. That should be fun. The downside is I’m working the 13 hour night shift. 3 days on, 4 days off. When I get to work the sun is still up. When I leave the sun is coming up. I’ll also be working outside on the flight line, meaning I’ll have to be more aware of bad weather and the cold. It’ll take some getting used to, but I’m excited to see where this new job takes me.
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Profile Comments 626

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EvilDogBum's avatar

I find you very interesting... but I'm too interesting myself :P

Ghostryider301238's avatar

Thanks for the watch.

Hindenburg19890's avatar

Thanks for the rewatch! XD

Tulmur95's avatar

Rewatch? I thought I was watching you the whole time. Maybe I hit unwatch by accident. It’s hard to get everything right when you’re typing on a phone instead of a computer.

Hindenburg19890's avatar

Agreed. I have however, noticed that DA presumably automatically unwatches followers if you have not logged in or posted for a while. Happened to me personally.

Tulmur95's avatar

Thanks for the watch.