My name's Ayla, and I love meeting new people! Give me a buzz if you just wanna chat about anything. I especially enjoy Hetalia!
Current Residence: Somewhere on Earth, but nowhere in reality!
Favourite genre of music: Rock, hip-hop/pop, J-Pop, 80s hair metal. Pretty much anything except country. XP
Favourite photographer: My grandfather. XD
Favourite style of art: Anything as long as it looks good.
MP3 player of choice: SanDisk MP3 by Sansa
Shell of choice: Erm... conch shell?
Wallpaper of choice: Depends on my mood.
Skin of choice: The skin on my body!
Favourite cartoon character: Kurama, Hiruma, Naruto, Hinata, Hiei, Ed Elric...the list goes on!
Personal Quote: If you can think it, you can do it! Unless it's skydiving into a vat of cheese and living.