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  • Mar 12
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
My Bio

My name's Ayla, and I love meeting new people! Give me a buzz if you just wanna chat about anything. I especially enjoy Hetalia!

Current Residence: Somewhere on Earth, but nowhere in reality!
Favourite genre of music: Rock, hip-hop/pop, J-Pop, 80s hair metal. Pretty much anything except country. XP
Favourite photographer: My grandfather. XD
Favourite style of art: Anything as long as it looks good.
MP3 player of choice: SanDisk MP3 by Sansa
Shell of choice: Erm... conch shell?
Wallpaper of choice: Depends on my mood.
Skin of choice: The skin on my body!
Favourite cartoon character: Kurama, Hiruma, Naruto, Hinata, Hiei, Ed Elric...the list goes on!
Personal Quote: If you can think it, you can do it! Unless it's skydiving into a vat of cheese and living.

Favourite Visual Artist
Don't have one.
Favourite Movies
I don't have one. I like almost all the ones I've seen!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Don't have one. I like too many to choose.
Favourite Writers
Again, don't have one.
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy, Naruto franchise, and Ratchet and Clank series.
Favourite Gaming Platform
I only have Playstation 2. ^^;;
Tools of the Trade
My pencil, sketch pad, colored pencils, and my mind!
Other Interests
Writing, reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, and some other stuff
Heehee~ I have to thank the awesome :iconBuono101: for both my Premium Membership and my new Journal Skin~ Thanks luv! :glomp:Alright! That's out of the way -shot- Kidding! So, updates! Let's see~ I'm retaking my psych class (didn't do too hot on that last semester, rough time, will explain later), Mom's recovering from surgery, I'm taking over household chores while she is...bleh.Pwah~ where to begin. Okay, so this past spring semester I was totally out of it in college, because my sister was having her colon removed. See, she has the same genetic disorder as Dad, where polyps spring up in the colon and, if left untreated, will become can...
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Epic Fail

0 min read
Lesson of the Month: never date someone younger than you.It wasn't bad, having a boyfriend. The problem was, my ex is almost two years younger than me. I have nothing against acting like an idiot now and then, but it felt almost like I was babysitting or mothering a lot of the time. We only kissed twice, and we never even went on a date! So, on April 14th, we broke up. We're still friends, but it just didn't work out.Sigh.Now, I'm back to pretending my favorite bishies are real and I'm cuddling them instead of my pillow. Of course, now that I've had a taste of what a real relationship is like (a very small taste), now those fantasies or dr...
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Oh my god, I'm so happy!! I have a BOYFRIEND!! He's in my school band and plays violin. He also does track and field. He's fast! O.O I didn't realize high schoolers could BE that fast! I have a lot more respect for track now. Not that I didn't have it before.But yep! I have a boyfriend! I'm practically ECSTATIC about it! I wanna tell everyone--except certain family members yet. We'll see about that.I've also been wanting to post my Eyeshield fanfiction on here, but I need to make up cover images for the chapters. Eh, I'll just put them in. Hope people like them!Peace out!
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NeasLon's avatar
Thanks for the fav! :D
Lunaros-Valkiri's avatar
Hey you! We haven't talked in ages and I wanted to check in and see how you were doing!
LeilaThatDerp's avatar
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