NausicaaTsuki-Spartaness on DeviantArt

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Tsuki-Spartaness's avatar




An attempt to get back into digital/traditional illustration after months [almost years] of slacking off due to reality's call.

Princess Nausicaa is from Studio Ghibli's 1984 film 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind'; one of my favorite films of all time. Therefore her character belongs to Studio Ghibli and I take no credit for her.
The original sketch is from memory, as is the colour pallet so some colours may vary from the original.
Time taken: 2 hours sketch, 5 hours colour.
Tools: Semi-destroyed Bamboo Tablet and Photoshop CS6.

Critique is welcomed, as I deeply wish to improve.
Image size
934x1280px 668.25 KB
anonymous's avatar
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phoenixleo's avatar
If you cropped the image to not show the binding elements on the left, and the right, it would make a good presentation start. :nod: