Im From Baton Rouge Louisiana.
Age: 28 Now And Still Single
I Love making fun art , Drag Racing , Music , Playing Video Games, & Nascar
Favourite genre of music: Hip Hop, Rock , R&B, ETC
Favourite style of art: Anthro
Operating System: Compaq/Acer
MP3 player of choice: Verizon tablet
Wallpaper of choice: Nascar & Monster Jam
Favourite cartoon character: Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and much more
Rules of my account
1). don't say or do anything to get me mad
2). i will only friend you if i'm watching you and or if i say were friends
3). i don't rp here on DA Anymore
4) do not, repeat DO NOT post any of my art on derpibooru , thank you
██████████████ 100%
Put this in your profile if you are a happy Brony, and are
---[]--- put this
---[]--- on your
---[]--- page
[][][][] if you're
---[]--- not embarrassed
---[]--- to tell
---[]--- others that
---[]--- you're a
---[]--- Christian, I love Jesus
Happy birthday.
Thank you
Thanks for following me!
Thanks for faving and watching!
Thanks for the follow! I think I follow you on all your other accounts too lol
Oh? Thanks!
Yeah! I've known about you for a long time and always that you was chill and awesome! I just never had the chance to chat.