Claimed - Serphuro 01trowicia on DeviantArt

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RingtailAdoptables's avatar

Claimed - Serphuro 01



We're introducing a new species today! This one is a serphuro, a kind of ferret dragon! This particular one has common black-footed coloring. We hope you like him!

To adopt this one, we're giving you 24 hours to come up with a creative name and personality. Feel free to write why you chose the name and personality that you did too.

At the end of 24 hours, we will pick the most creative name and personality combination!

In a comment, include the following...
1. Type "Claim" and give him a name!
2. Give him a personality!
In addition, you must...
*Be a member of #RingtailAdoptables!

DON'T FORGET TO BE CREATIVE! This is not a normal first-come, first-served adoption! So take your time--you have 24 hours. Good luck!

Series: Serphuro
Sex: Male
Owner: ~Neon-RoseBuds
Name: Vangata
Personality: Vangata has always been fond of archeology, and takes a particular interest in the history of dragons, of course being related to one himself. He also enjoys spending his time reading stories, and studying some aspects of Taxidermy. He prefers to be alone when studying, but when out with friends he can be very friendly, and will never put people down.

For more information and how to adopt, please go here!
Image size
500x500px 153.24 KB
© 2010 - 2025 trowicia
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Neon-RoseBuds's avatar

Name: Vangata (Italian for 'Dig')
Personality: Arach has always been fond of archeology, and takes a particular interest in the history of dragons, of course being related to one himself. He also enjoys spending his time reading stories, and studying some aspects of Taxidermy. He prefers to be alone when studying, but when out with friends he can be very friendly, and will never put people down.