3D Lyra progressTriteBristle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tritebristle/art/3D-Lyra-progress-852451627TriteBristle

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3D Lyra progress



Remember when I said that Lyra's mane should be easier than BonBon's? I've never been more wrong in my entire life...

For starters, the method (inverted hull) I'm using to get the outlines doesn't work for the pointy parts of the mane, and even with a bit of trickery it's messy as [BUYSOMEAPPLES]. (this long dead meme still works, right? ...right? old )

I'm contemplating just pasting the vector mane over her head, if the 3D needs too much afterwork. The main point for me for using 3D is in the body poses and angles anyway (and if I set the angles right, I'll only ever need 2-3 mane vectors to paste over, just like how I did before).

Just like with BonBon, I use multiple different meshes for different viewing angles (well, one for front and one for the sides, with mirroring the latter if needed).

The next step trying to get or make a working filly model.

(the model is the slightly modified version that was made by :iconmythicspeed:)
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9258x2000px 1.6 MB
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ahmadsyar's avatar

make an animation of spinning around with interstellar background music