ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
TriteBristle on DeviantArt
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Lately, I've got some time to get back working on the comic. Getting BonBon's mane into 3D is a tricky maneuver, but I managed to make it look at least somewhat decent. It still needs some afterworks, but that only means adding lines and drawing over smaller parts. The only major part that I pasted over is the lower part of her mane from front view, as it looks radically different from what it looks like from the sides (and it's way faster to just paste the vector over it than sculpting a new mane there).
Lyra's model should be easier tbh, these curls are kind of a nightmare.
Then comes the modeling of the environment. I'm more or less done with BonBon's shop, it was actually tons of fun. Manehattan streets, the Manehattan Academy of Sciences and Bon's old home will come next. Later on, we'll also have a chapter in Fillydelphia as well.
By the way, any chance anyone knows an already made filly blender model? All I could find were SFM models, which I successfully ported into Blender, but needs a ton of set up afterwards... Well, I could also try to filly-fy BonBon's model.
If you're surprised that this thing is still not dead yet, I can't blame you. But I can't start my next project with a clear conscience without finishing up this one first.
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5925x1280px 805.18 KB
© 2020 - 2025 TriteBristle
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Nice to see some progres. The puppet looks really good. I'm interested how you will handle the filly version, since it would be useful to have such a blender model.