Favourite Visual Artist
i have many inspirations all around me
Favourite TV Shows
star trek, especially DS9
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
SHISAMO, slime girls, kero kero bonito, otherkin, satellite young, crying, the big moon, nastuko nisshoku
Favourite Books
too many!!!!!! but some that stick out are the earthsea cycle, old kingdom chronicles, animorphs, warriors, jojo's bizarre adventure, and uuh others
Favourite Games
okami, fire emblem, zelda, elder scrolls, the arcana, love live! school idol festival, BANG! dream
Favourite Gaming Platform
3ds or the xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
photoshop, paper, micron, copics, prismacolours, gelly roll, worbla, fur, fiberfill, the list goes on
Other Interests
the adventure zone, watching silly videos, cosplay, screaming into the void