Tricia-Danby's avatar


Tricia Danby
285 Watchers

Tir Anam

11 min read

:wave: Dear dA friends,

today I would like to use the opportunity to tell you a bit about


Tír Anam means Land of Soul (the link will lead you to our website)

and Tír Anam are Rowan Lewgalon :iconrowanlewgalon: and Tricia Danby (myself).

Rowan and I are working in the field of photography and spiritual art as well as poetry. Our photography is focused on the beauty of nature and all the small things. Our artworks (traditional or digital)  are mainly digital artworks by now and the saints, angels, deities and other spiritual beings you may see are brought on "paper" the way they do reveal themselves to us when we connect with their energy.

Let me tell you a bit more about myself.

I am a spiritual artist. energy worker, writer and photographer and as long as I can remember, I had contacts and encounters with the spiritual world, and I am strongly associated with my angels, spiritual guides, and other souls and beings.

I started concentrating on energy work in 2001, and since then, I have discovered/channeled three energy systems thus far. I  am also working with other energy systems, and I am a master/teacher in Imara Reiki, Karuna-Ki Reiki, and Usui Reiki plus I am a qualified past life regressionist as well.

When drawing angels, spiritual beings, etc., I try to connect with them to be able to channel their energies and portray them the way they reveal themselves to me.

Concerning my faith, I am both stamped Celtic-Druid as well as Christian.

I am a cleric in minor orders in the Old Catholic Apostolic Church, a member of the OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids) and a Dame of the Order of St Joseph of Arimathea & St Mary Magdalene.

"For me, the spiritual art is the art to capture pictures revealing to yourself when connecting with the energies of the respective soul getting in contact with me."

I would love to show you some of our spiritual artwork:

Archangel Gabriel by RowanLewgalon Saint Martin of Tours by RowanLewgalon Archangel Michael by RowanLewgalon Archangel Raphael by RowanLewgalon Finnian of Clonard by RowanLewgalon Saint Peter by RowanLewgalon

Hanael by RowanLewgalon Matthew the Apostle by RowanLewgalon The Sacred Heart of Jesus by RowanLewgalon Saint Bernard de Clairvaux by RowanLewgalon Yarashiel by RowanLewgalon

  Saint Francis by RowanLewgalon Amor by RowanLewgalon Luis by RowanLewgalon

Mature Content

Cranus by RowanLewgalon

Saint Thomas Becket by Tricia-Danby  Archangel Uriel by Tricia-Danby Angel of Charity copyright by Tricia-Danby Angel of Hope by Tricia-Danby

Apollon by Tricia-Danby Jeremiel by Tricia-Danby Saint Therese of Lisieux by Tricia-Danby Saint Brighid by Tricia-Danby Our Lady of Medjugorje by Tricia-Danby

Saint Anna by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Eriu by Tricia-Danby Hestia by Tricia-Danby Danu by Tricia-Danby

Hekate's Daughter by Tricia-Danby

Some of our fine art prints can be ordered via our Etsy Shop
you will also find unique jewellery there.

If you would want to follow us on Facebook just friend us.



If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username)

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Tricia Danby

Erstelle dein Profilbanner

Shameless self-promotion :iconyoureverywelcome:

Mature Content

Dream Vision by Tricia-Danby
Winter Wanderers by Tricia-Danby Mary Magdalen by Tricia-Danby Artist by Tricia-Danby Roselyn by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Odin and the Runes by Tricia-Danby

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AWW feature!

13 min read

Who are Angel without Wings?

They are those fellow deviants:

:bulletpink: who more or less regularly feature other deviants
:bulletpink: who always willingly give tips, hints, helpful comments
:bulletpink: who answer at least a fair amount of the comments they get
:bulletpink: who give kind and or uplifting words where they see its needed
:bulletpink: who feature and pimp projects and deviants who need support/help
:bulletpink: who take the time to suggest DD's on a more or less regular basis
:bulletpink: who take the time to suggest seniority every now and than
:bulletpink: who give fair and helpful critiques (whether official or not)
:bulletpink: or what else helpful, kind, supporting they might do
You can read all about it HERE


Every fortnight 3 deviants will be awarded with a pair of wings and get
featured by me and my fellow Gangstas of love (in alphabetical order):

ANGELICA-LILY Annissina Bushaqua DAnnsCreations davincipoppalag Dieffi Florhalie EveLivesey gigi50 jenepooh MayEbony msfowle mustingel PurpleInk777 RoseCS signmeupscotty Stygma suezn TheGalleryOfEve Tigles1Artistry Tricia-Danby WishmasterAlchemist

Wanted: New Gangstas of Love! If you'd like to :iconlovesqueeplz: spread the joy :iconlovesqueeplz: of featuring new Angels Without Wings apply now! It's a simple task that you need to do once every 2 weeks. Journal content is given to you, complete. Just choose 3 deviations from each of the new Angels galleries to add to the journal, upload it to your own account, and notify the new Angels of their feature. Simply note me :iconnameda: to apply.


Now without further delay on to the 3 brand new angels:

:iconsomeconfettiplz: congrats everyone :iconsomeconfettiplz:
:iconwingsplz: its a delight to award you with the wings you so deserve :iconwingsplz:
remember you now can display the AWW stamp on your frontpage, in your journal or ID :D

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconginkgowerkstatt: by Nameda

Anne is one of those special dA friends, who is committed to it in many ways, and for quite a long time! She's been a volunteer before, and she is one now again! Her code and her tutorials have helped many deviants beautify their pages, and her eagerness to help others has turned her into a mentor to many of us who came to her at some point with questions! She's helpful by nature, and lovingly encourages others through her kind words! Her beautiful heart is always open to those who want to reach her, and she makes herself available to anyone via chat or notes! She's a beautiful inspiration to many of us, and a wonderful addition to our angelic list of friends!

Essence of Dreams by GinkgoWerkstatt  .:CSS Fairy by GinkgoWerkstatt .:Froghouse by GinkgoWerkstatt

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconrainylake: by Nameda & TheGalleryOfEve

Kathy is above all, a selfless, wonderful, caring friend, who puts her heart in all that she does around here! She has created a beautiful project named "Recommend a Friend", which is making so many people get so much exposure! She helps run many great groups, always going the extra mile for those who may need her! Those of us who have the privilege of calling her a "friend", are truly blessed to have her in our lives! She truly cares about others, by featuring her watchers, CVs, group members; by running helpful groups and by involving herself in this community so that she can help more and more! She truly is an angel, and those who know her can understand why we love her so much!

Regurgitation by rainylake Complaints by rainylake Away by rainylake

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda
:icongingado: by Dieffi

Rainer is a wonderful addition to our list of angels! He's always very kind and sweet in his correspondence with other deviants. He has been helping people for quite a long time now, to gain exposure through the beautiful journal features he carefully selects and presents to all his watchers and friends! It is indeed someone who encourages people to leave feedback to the people he features, and that is a very kind thing to do! This place would never be this wonderful if people like Rainer wouldn't exist! So it's indeed a pleasure to have a friend lik him! He also decorates our inboxes with his breathtaking photos, inspiring us all when he brings out the beauty of nature in the manner he does!



Do you know such Angel without Wings, well then help them
to get a pair of wings and suggest them to me :iconnameda:
or to :icondieffi:, :iconthegalleryofeve: & :iconmayebony:

If you want to suggest please be so kind to write AWW suggestion
and the name of the deviant in the subject of the note
and explain why the suggested person does deserve the award.
And please one suggestion per note only!

If you suggest, have a look if the nominees good deeds are visible
for everyone visiting that page!! I do appreciate if friends are
suggested, but think a second about the point, if others who
don't know that deviant, clearly can see why the person
deserves the award.

If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username)

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Tricia Danby

Erstelle dein Profilbanner

Shameless self-promotion :iconyoureverywelcome:

Mature Content

Dream Vision by Tricia-Danby
Winter Wanderers by Tricia-Danby Mary Magdalen by Tricia-Danby Artist by Tricia-Danby Roselyn by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Odin and the Runes by Tricia-Danby

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When in deep dark night the shadows are awakening to life,

When in the silver shimmering pale moon light - spiders are spinning the yarn of life,

When the howling wolves are singing  to Mother Moon

and when the ditties of the elves and trolls do silently sound ...


When the Banshees are striding through the land ...

and are reaching for the poorest of souls ...

then the time of farewell has come and the blooming strength of life has melt away.


Time now has come for the dark man to approach and ... hush ... silent ...

"Hear'st thou him knocking at the door?"


To Samhain the ghosts are singing,

the melody of the bustle is tenderly fading


To Samhain in the darkest night ...

life will arise anew.

~ Copyright - Tricia Danby ~


                                                                                                    Hekate - The Crone by Tricia-Danby Winter Witch by Tricia-Danby Will O the Wisp by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby

                                                                                                                To the Moon and Back by Tricia-Danby Queen of Souls by Tricia-Danby Witch at Sunset by Tricia-Danby

                                                                                                   Autumn Witch by Tricia-Danby All Hallows Eve by Tricia-Danby Argante by Tricia-Danby The Morrigan by Tricia-Danby

                                                                         The Last Candle by Tricia-Danby Chestnut Fairy by Tricia-Danby The Reaper by Tricia-Danby Fae of the Night Realms by Tricia-Danby Bean Sidhe - Death by Tricia-Danby

Wishing you all a


If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username)

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Tricia Danby

Erstelle dein Profilbanner

Shameless self-promotion :iconyoureverywelcome:

Mature Content

Dream Vision by Tricia-Danby
Winter Wanderers by Tricia-Danby Mary Magdalen by Tricia-Danby Artist by Tricia-Danby Roselyn by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Odin and the Runes by Tricia-Danby

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As I had been too busy lately and been ill as well ... there are two AWW features from me this time!

Here we go with both October features!

Who are Angel without Wings?  

That are those fellow deviants:

:bulletpink: who more or less regularly feature other deviants
:bulletpink:  who always willingly give tips, hints, helpful comments
:bulletpink:  who answer at least a fair amount of the comments they get
:bulletpink:  who give kind and or uplifting words where they see its needed
:bulletpink:  who feature and pimp projects and deviants who need support/help
:bulletpink:  who take the time to suggest DD's on a more or less regular base
:bulletpink:  who take the time to suggest seniority every now and than
:bulletpink:  who give fair and helpful critiques (weather official or not)
:bulletpink:  or what else helpful, kind, supporting they might do
You can read all about it HERE

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Every fortnight 3 deviants will be awarded with a pair of wings and get
featured by me and my fellow Gangstas of love (in alphabetical order):

ANGELICA-LILY Annissina Bushaqua ChloeClik  
DAnnsCreations davincipoppalag Dieffi EveLivesey
gigi50 lostknightkg mustingel petrova PurpleInk777
signmeupscotty Stygma suezn TheGalleryOfEve
Tricia-Danby WishmasterAlchemist

If you would like to get a gangsta of Love send me a note!

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Now without further delay on to the 3 brand new angels from the beginning of October:

:iconsomeconfettiplz: congrats everyone :iconsomeconfettiplz:
:iconwingsplz: its a delight to award you with the wings you so deserve :iconwingsplz:
remember you now can display the AWW stamp on your frontpage, in your journal or ID :D

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconcality: suggested by MehreenFreed

Steph is one of the most wonderful people that I have met here on deviantArt. And I am positive that I am not the only one who feels the same way about her. cality puts in a lot of effort to help others in the community; she is a part of the great helping-the-unknown project. She gives helpful feedback to those who need some encouragement, and is always ready to cheer and motivate those who need it most! She creates beautiful features to showcase the work of others adding her own sweet description of the artists being featured! And she is a lovely writer herself. She's truly a wonderful person and a special friend!

Bee by cality  GravityI'm waiting for you on grey-slate rooftops with the August sun between my teeth, resisting the impulse to bite down(upon skin). Icarus lies at my feet, bent around broken feathers and a skeleton, as I pick apart our earth- quakes with my fingertips.          Always, marrow eyes and hollow bones                 -whisper- it's not that far to fall.  The London Eye by cality

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconmiontre: suggested by MayEbony  Nameda

This young artist from New Zealand, Amazir, has only just turned 16 years old, yet has been making a substantial contribution to dA for a couple of years now. Amazir has the most amazing coding skills, which he freely shares with everyone and has done countless tutorials, assists in many groups, and has written fantastic articles for the group ProjectEducate. Amazir also creates the most beautiful features of other artists work to help the artists to become better known, as well as suggesting DDs for other deviants. He has earned the love of many deviants who have had the pleasure of interacting with him, and he surely is a wonderful angelic friend to all of us!!!

<da:thumb id="257020387"/>  <da:thumb id="209307357"/>  <da:thumb id="285521101"/>

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconmayebony: suggested by TheGalleryOfEve and gigi50

May is that lovely human being whose heart is full of love and kindness! She's warm and very sweet! She answers all her comments in such a way that makes you feel that you have her right in front of you. None of her friends can go unnoticed, because she creates beautiful features to help others get seen! She always has a positive word that will lift everyone's spirit! She's loving, caring and a very thoughtful friend. Those who have the pleasure to meet her can understand why she's so beloved around here! It is a great honor to be able to call May "My dearest Friend"!!!

Baby Crow for Ralph by MayEbony  Little Miss Four by MayEbony  Protea by MayEbony

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Do you know such Angel without Wings, well then help them
to get a pair of wings and suggest them to me :iconnameda:
or to :icondieffi: & :iconthegalleryofeve:

If you want to suggest please be so kind to write AWW suggestion
and the name of the deviant in the subject of the note
and explain why the suggested person does deserve the award.
And please one suggestion per note only!

If you suggest, have a look if the nominees good deeds are visible
for everyone visiting that page!! I do appreciate if friends are
suggested, but think a second about the point, if others who
don't know that deviant, clearly can see why the person
deserves the award.

Now without further delay on to the 3 brand new angels

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconvanmall: suggested by TheGalleryOfEve

Mikk is one of the sweetest most adorable friends one can have the privilege to aspire to meet here on dA. He has devoted his dA existence to help others via showcasing works through the 2 groups he has created (TutorialsForYou and TutorialsClub), but also he has authored many tutorials to help deviants create wonderful pixel art deviations! His charismatic spirit spreads joy wherever he goes. He has a huge selfless heart, which he offers it to every one meets! Anyone who has ever met Mikk, can agree with the statement that he is indeed one of those silent angels that touch everybody's hearts with his invisible wings! I adore, my sweet dear friend, Mikk!!!

Winter Weather by vanmall  Baby branch by vanmall  Good and Evil by vanmall

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconrezzanatakol:by funkichkn & Dieffi

Rezzan is a brave, loving deviant, whose page has the footprints of all the efforts she makes to help make this wonderful site a better place! She's admired and beloved by all her friends and watchers, not just because of the immense beauty of her inspirational works, but also for her tenacity in life and her respect for life itself and people's rights! She's definitely a role model in many, many aspects! She's sweet and encouraging in her communications with those she encounters, and she's committed to make a difference in this wonderful place! We can say without a doubt that we're very lucky to haver her among us!

<da:thumb id="406962378"/>  <da:thumb id="404714436"/>  <da:thumb id="404715191"/>

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconartbybeverly: by gigi50

Beverly is a loving friend, whose words of encouragement are planted like a beautiful seed all over deviantART! She has an appreciative soul, something we can clearly see all over her page! Her beautiful features are all dedicated to help other deviants get more exposure, and through the hard work she puts in each one of them, transpires love, empathy for those who go through tough times, friendship, and above all ... it shows how much she cares about people! A true angel among us! She's  beloved by all her friends, and always has something sweet to say! It is impossible not to adore her!

<da:thumb id="299550344"/>  <da:thumb id="356057993"/>  <da:thumb id="361975097"/>

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Do you know such Angel without Wings, well then help them
to get a pair of wings and suggest them to :iconnameda:
:icondieffi: or :iconthegalleryofeve:

If you want to suggest please be so kind to write AWW suggestion
and the name of the deviant in the subject of the note
and explain why the suggested person does deserve the award.
And please one suggestion per note only!

If you suggest, have a look if the nominees good deeds are visible
for everyone visiting that page!! I do appreciate if friends are
suggested, but think a second about the point, if others who
don't know that deviant, clearly can see why the person
deserves the award.

If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username)

Support This Site

Tricia Danby

Erstelle dein Profilbanner

Shameless self-promotion :iconyoureverywelcome:

Mature Content

Dream Vision by Tricia-Danby
Winter Wanderers by Tricia-Danby Mary Magdalen by Tricia-Danby Artist by Tricia-Danby Roselyn by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Odin and the Runes by Tricia-Danby

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AWW feature

12 min read

Who are Angel without Wings?  

That are those fellow deviants:

:bulletpink: who more or less regularly feature other deviants
:bulletpink:  who always willingly give tips, hints, helpful comments
:bulletpink:  who answer at least a fair amount of the comments they get
:bulletpink:  who give kind and or uplifting words where they see its needed
:bulletpink:  who feature and pimp projects and deviants who need support/help
:bulletpink:  who take the time to suggest DD's on a more or less regular base
:bulletpink:  who take the time to suggest seniority every now and than
:bulletpink:  who give fair and helpful critiques (weather official or not)
:bulletpink:  or what else helpful, kind, supporting they might do
You can read all about it HERE

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Every fortnight 3 deviants will be awarded with a pair of wings and get
featured by me and my fellow Gangstas of love (in alphabetical order):

ANGELICA-LILY Annissina Bushaqua ChloeClik  
DAnnsCreations davincipoppalag Dieffi EveLivesey
gigi50 lostknightkg mustingel petrova PurpleInk777
signmeupscotty Stygma suezn TheGalleryOfEve
Tricia-Danby WishmasterAlchemist

If you would like to get a gangsta of Love send me a note!

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Now without further delay on to the 3 brand new angels:

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

PhotographsByBri suggested by Dieffi & gigi50

Brittany is a very assiduous, nice and lovely friend from the United States; she surrounds her friends with a lot of attention and support, which makes her so special and beloved! When you look at her journals you can see all the effort she has been putting into helping the community, by promoting friends and other photographers through the beautiful features she makes! She's so kind in her communication, commenting very often in a positive and pleasant manner, replying as promptly as possible! She brings a lot of pleasure and happiness into our world with her helpful and cheerful way of being, and we're very, very happy to call her a friend! You're beloved, dear Brittany!

Bat Dog by PhotographsByBri  <da:thumb id="403318280"/>  Searching by PhotographsByBri

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconjane-beata: suggested by Lintu47

Jana is giving a lot to the community and also encourages others to get involved. She is very kind, selfless and willing to help with what she can, be it features, group work, writing articles for projecteducate, or giving her free time to look after the Traditional Art gallery. Aside from her kind spirit and words, she also shares with us wonderful resources, like tutorials and textures, which are very appreciated by fellow artists. It's almost impossible not to know her given her stunning gallery and her continuous presence within our community.
For a stranger, Jana seems a kind, talented lady; for a friend, she's a wonderful person who can make you smile only though a couple of words, she always finds the right thing to say to lift your spirits up. I am happy we are friends because she's one of the sweetest persons i know! :heart:"

Harmony, watercolor couple portraiture by jane-beata  A sealed thought by jane-beata  A windy moment by jane-beata

Angel without Wings Award by Nameda

:iconlintu47: suggested by Nameda & TheGalleryOfEve

Cristina is a very sweet, thoughtful and selfless human beings around here; she takes the time on a daily basis to congratulate people who get a DD despite her busy schedule, she's been helping so many people throughout the years to get exposure with the lovely, beautifully organized features she makes! As a friend she's there when you need her and will go out of her way to help people get a smile when they need it! Her support and positivism is contagious and priceless! She's a committed admin on several groups, all of them dedicated to help the community gain knowledge and exposure, and her transparent love and support for this community makes her the angel we're so lucky to have! We love you, Cristina!

Hello Zara by Lintu47  Serene pose by Lintu47  Smile in her eyes by Lintu47

:bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:

Do you know such Angel without Wings, well then help them
to get a pair of wings and suggest them to me :iconnameda:
or to :iconannissina:, :icondieffi: & :iconthegalleryofeve:

If you want to suggest please be so kind to write AWW suggestion
in the subject of the note and explain why the suggested person
does deserve the award.
And please one suggestion per note only!

If you suggest, have a look if the nominees good deeds are visible
for everyone visiting that page!! I do appreciate if friends are
suggested, but think a second about the point, if others who
don't know that deviant, clearly can see why the person
deserves the award.

If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username)

Support This Site

Tricia Danby

Erstelle dein Profilbanner

Shameless self-promotion :iconyoureverywelcome:

Mature Content

Dream Vision by Tricia-Danby
Winter Wanderers by Tricia-Danby Mary Magdalen by Tricia-Danby Artist by Tricia-Danby Roselyn by Tricia-Danby Hekate by Tricia-Danby Odin and the Runes by Tricia-Danby

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Tir Anam by Tricia-Danby, journal

AWW feature! by Tricia-Danby, journal

Blessed Samhain - Feature by Tricia-Danby, journal

Double AWW feature! by Tricia-Danby, journal

AWW feature by Tricia-Danby, journal