Who are Angel without Wings?
That are those fellow deviants:

who more or less regularly feature other deviants

who always willingly give tips, hints, helpful comments

who answer at least a fair amount of the comments they get

who give kind and or uplifting words where they see its needed

who feature and pimp projects and deviants who need support/help

who take the time to suggest DD's on a more or less regular base

who take the time to suggest seniority every now and than

who give fair and helpful critiques (weather official or not)

or what else helpful, kind, supporting they might do
You can read all about it
Every fortnight 3 deviants will be awarded with a pair of wings and get
featured by me and my fellow Gangstas of love (in alphabetical order):
ANGELICA-LILY Annissina Bushaqua ChloeClik DAnnsCreations davincipoppalag Dieffi EveLivesey gigi50 lostknightkg mustingel petrova PurpleInk777signmeupscotty Stygma suezn TheGalleryOfEve Tricia-Danby WishmasterAlchemistIf you would like to get a gangsta of Love send me a note!
Now without further delay on to the 3 brand new angels:
PhotographsByBri suggested by
Dieffi &
gigi50Brittany is a very assiduous, nice and lovely friend from the United States; she surrounds her friends with a lot of attention and support, which makes her so special and beloved! When you look at her journals you can see all the effort she has been putting into helping the community, by promoting friends and other photographers through the beautiful features she makes! She's so kind in her communication, commenting very often in a positive and pleasant manner, replying as promptly as possible! She brings a lot of pleasure and happiness into our world with her helpful and cheerful way of being, and we're very, very happy to call her a friend! You're beloved, dear Brittany!

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suggested by
Lintu47Jana is giving a lot to the community and also encourages others to get involved. She is very kind, selfless and willing to help with what she can, be it features, group work, writing articles for
projecteducate, or giving her free time to look after the Traditional Art gallery. Aside from her kind spirit and words, she also shares with us wonderful resources, like tutorials and textures, which are very appreciated by fellow artists. It's almost impossible not to know her given her stunning gallery and her continuous presence within our community.
For a stranger, Jana seems a kind, talented lady; for a friend, she's a wonderful person who can make you smile only though a couple of words, she always finds the right thing to say to lift your spirits up. I am happy we are friends because she's one of the sweetest persons i know!


suggested by
Nameda &
TheGalleryOfEveCristina is a very sweet, thoughtful and selfless human beings around here; she takes the time on a daily basis to congratulate people who get a DD despite her busy schedule, she's been helping so many people throughout the years to get exposure with the lovely, beautifully organized features she makes! As a friend she's there when you need her and will go out of her way to help people get a smile when they need it! Her support and positivism is contagious and priceless! She's a committed admin on several groups, all of them dedicated to help the community gain knowledge and exposure, and her transparent love and support for this community makes her the angel we're so lucky to have! We love you, Cristina!

Do you know such Angel without Wings, well then help them
to get a pair of wings and suggest them to me
or to



If you want to suggest please be so kind to write AWW suggestion
in the subject of the note and explain why the suggested person
does deserve the award.
And please one suggestion per note only!
If you suggest, have a look if the nominees good deeds are visible
for everyone visiting that page!! I do appreciate if friends are
suggested, but think a second about the point, if others who
don't know that deviant, clearly can see why the person
deserves the award.
If you're interested in hiring me for a commissioned drawing, send me a note or e-mail me (please include your DA username) tir-anam@hotmail.com