Tricia Danby is a spiritual life coach and energy worker and a freelance photographer, spiritual artist, and author.
When drawing angels, spiritual beings, etc., she connects with them to be able to channel their energies and portray them the way they reveal themselves to her.
In her photography she focuses on the beauty of the surrounding.
Love is a feeling we should never forget,
as love is the air that we are breathing.
Love for our life!
Love for all the being!
Love for our beloveds!
Love for all the small things we tend to forget!
Love is the light in the darkness that leads us back home.
Love is the shelter we need when everything seems to crumble down.
Love is the utmost pleasure and the deepest pain.
Love is the salvation and the end of being.
Love is our Life!
No work of mine may be used for commercial and private purposes without written permission. All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any form without my written permission. My work does not belong to the public domain. My work is not available for use as stock images.
Any individual, corporation, corporate entity, website or webhost knowingly or unknowingly involved in activity contributing to the copyright infringement of my work will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Current Residence: Near Cologne
Favourite genre of music: Rock and BritPop, Metal, Classics ... crossing all lines - but Techno!
Favourite photographer: They do exist!
Favourite style of art: Can't decide
Operating System: you should blame Bill Gates
MP3 player of choice: I would like to have an Ipod
Shell of choice: what a question?
Wallpaper of choice: Always changing
Skin of choice: I like my skin
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield and Snoopy
Personal Quote: Look behind reality to see what is real!