Hello from Austria / Vienna.
I'm 39 Years old.
In the past decade, I've faced numerous mental health challenges. To cope, I turned to art, expressing my struggles through drawings, sculptures, music, and even origami and photography. These creative outlets have been a source of relaxation for me. The opportunity to create art with AI has been a lifeline. It allows me to explore endless creativity and achieve perfection in my pictures, something I felt was missing before. I believe there's no need to discuss stealing or comparing ourselves to others; every artist is unique, and I respect each individual's talent and creativity. Our emotions, mindset, and feelings make us special in our own ways.
I don't particularly lean towards extremes; I consider myself a middle-ground person. My artistic direction may sometimes be blue, and at other times, red. I follow my heart and create when inspiration strikes, without restriction. <3 I hope you enjoy my artwork, regardless of the way I approach it, as it's all about conveying messages and emotions. <3 Sending positive vibes to all!
You can find me also under:
I want to make a own Website with my Shop and i have alot of ideas, how i would to represent my Geekheads. Thank you for the Support when you Donate. Tre-Art
Happy (one day late) Birthday Mr: Chinchilla
happy birthday! i hope you have a great day! ♥
Thank you Greg <3
Thanks a lot for your support and have a nice christmas time.
Greetings from Katja
Dir auch Katja...danke dir auch für den Support, jetzt hat mein Handy ungefähr 100 mal Vibriert....für die ganzen likes... hoffe du hast auch ein schönes Weihnachten und eine kreative Zeit. Nochmal ganz lieb von dir <3 .. lg Mario