I'm young, but I love traveling around the world, seeing new things in life. I admire to take pictures of nature and cultures from around the world. I am a friendly person and likes to look always at the bright side. I can understand and speak English, Portuguese and Spanish. I am creating this DeviantArt to show all my experiences throughout the world. I am grateful for everyone who enjoys my pictures. I recommend you seeing the gallery in dark version!
Thank you! Enjoy!
Languages I can understand - Portuguese, Spanish, English, (A beginner in Japanese)
Favorite Animals - Cheetahs, Wolves, & Squirrels
Favorite Mythical Animals - Dragons and Ninetaled fox
Pet - Crystal (Poodle Toy)
Likes - Traveling and Nature
Start Sign - Scorpio
Thank you.
You have with your loved ones a Happy Birthday and this year God fill you with blessings and happiness my friend.
Thank you very much!
You Welcome
Belated Happy Birthday!