Hi! If you like my art and want to see more go to my NEW account
deviously-meow thank you!
Lonely Hack Box
pretty much empty right now ^^ Ask if you want to be here
✿ Mentality ✿
✿ Perfectly Fine ✿ Fine ✿ Getting Better ✿ Getting Worse ✿ Depression✿ Anxiety ✿ Wavering ✿ Uncontrollable Bouts Of Rage ✿ Manic ✿ Split Personality ✿ Losing It ✿ Lost It ✿ Insane ✿ Psychotic ✿ Schizophrenia ✿ Seeing Things ✿ Intense Paranoia ✿ Moderate Paranoia ✿ Delusional ✿ Lost Touch With Reality ✿ Amnesia ✿ Re-living Traumatic Event ✿ Unknown ✿
✿ Mood ✿
✿ Isolated ✿ Sleepy ✿ Neutral ✿| Regretful ✿ Murderous ✿ Uncomfortable ✿ Love struck ✿ Homicidal ✿ Neutral ✿ Mixed Feelings ✿ Silent ✿ Deified ✿ Distrust ✿ Dread ✿ Fear ✿ Hostility ✿Jealousy ✿ Lonely ✿ Shy ✿ Suffering ✿ Jumpy ✿ Anxious ✿ Frightened ✿ Paranoid ✿ Deathly Afraid ✿ Corrupted ✿ ✿Happy ✿ Lazy ✿ Playful ✿ Horny ✿ Drunk ✿ Hungry ✿
✿ Perfectly Healthy ✿ Healthy ✿ Okay ✿ So-So ✿ Sick ✿ Hurt ✿ Injured ✿ Recovering ✿ Critically Wounded ✿ Mortally Wounded ✿ Hospitalized ✿ Dead ✿ Ghost ✿ Zombie ✿
The City Of Clans (
the-city-of-clans.deviantart.com/ )
Burntsoul (
transforpuppy.deviantart.com/a... )
Shadowstep (
transforpuppy.deviantart.com/a... )
The Perilous Wilderness ( theperilouswildernes.deviantart.com )
Sparrow (
transforpuppy.deviantart.com/a... )
L0ser Clan Rebirth (
l0ser-clan-rebirth.deviantart.... )
transforpuppy.deviantart.com/a... )
Celestial Clan RP (
celestialclan-rp.deviantart.com/ )
Dragonsky (
transforpuppy.deviantart.com/a... )
Redpaw (
celestialclan-rp.deviantart.co... )
Shadowsong (Need to make app)
Megarayquaza (Need to make app)