Lackadaisy Roustabouttracyjb on DeviantArt

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tracyjb's avatar

Lackadaisy Roustabout


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In response to tumblr requests, human Viktor drawings - some from his prime and some not so much. This might account for more scowling beardy guy than anyone really bargained for, though. Frowny faces and glares threatening violence are probably more forgivable coming from a fluffy cat monster.
It was a fun challenge to draw anyway.



My ulterior motive in posting this is that I wanted to mention before it's too late that Lackadaisy 2012 Calendars are now available.

Lackadaisy Volume 1 book dealies that include club pins are back in stock too.
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© 2011 - 2025 tracyjb
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AlexandraAlex's avatar

he used to be a cute cuddly teddy bear, and now he is a grizzly bear! xp