2299 | Melekure Stables | TakashiToxicCreed on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/toxiccreed/art/2299-Melekure-Stables-Takashi-642139149ToxicCreed

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2299 | Melekure Stables | Takashi



Melekure Stables Ballator

Imperator Quomodocumque Vincendi Dracones

:bulletblack: Asiatic Ballator Stallion :bulletblack:
"I am the Emperor that has conquered the Dragons of this world... do you dare challenge me?"


ID: 1868
Name: Imperator Quomodocumque Vincendi Dracones (The Emperor of Conquering Dragons)
Barn Name/Nickname: Takashi, Cotton Candy (He will destroy you if you call him this) or Conquerer
Sex: Male, Stallion
Breed/type: Asiatic, 75% Ancient/25% Normal, Draft Build
Age: 2 Years Old
Height: 17hh
Discipline: Parade Horse, Dressage and Liberty
Genotype: Burnt Buckskin Roan Sabino Bicolour Fu Birdcatcher Spots (Jester carrier) - Ee Ata nCr Rr nSb nBi FuFu nJe
Rarity: 41 (Legendary) 
Buckskin +1
Roan +1
Sabino +1
Birdcatcher Spots +2
Bi-Color +2
Fu +3
Pastel Horn Color +2
Headset Spined Horns +2
Extra Horns x4 +8
Single Horns x3 +9
Extra Horns Spined x2 Nose +4
Extra Horns Spined x2 Rump +4
Full Bear +2
Note: Rarity here is calculated going by the New Rarity Guide, as posted for Extra horns - "Extra Horn Sets. Any horns other than the ones located on the head. +2 RP for each setplus whatever shape they are each."


{Prideful}{Vain}{Smug}{Spoiled}{Sassy}{Attitude Problem}{Superiority Complex}{God Complex}{Ladies Man}{Womanizer}
Coming Soon!

Quirks: Takashi's horns are HUGE and are generally used as a display whenever he is out and about. Because his horns are so large his neck and body have developed strong muscles and he's got an even greater draft like build than he father. Whenever he walks he has his head held high like a spoiled brat and he tends to look down upon all the 'lesser' ballators of the world.

                ------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
                ----------------- SS: 1616 Est Draco Cerasus
                ------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
         ----{Sire: 1868 | Melekure Stables | Kazegami
        |       ------------------------------------------ SDS:  1258 Obake
        |       ----------------- SD: 1483 BWS Minerva
        |       ------------------------------------------ SDD: 1259 CCR's Akane
        |      ------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
        |      ----------------- DS: 1606 - Samourai
        |      ------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
         ----{Dam: 1841 Akikonomu
                ------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
                ----------------- DD: GWS 1611 Akiko
                ------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown


Username | Status | Mate | Resulting Foal 
2000 :points:/$20 USD with a Fullbody Breeding Picture w/Detailed Background, a Fullbody piece Takashi w/Detailed Background and a Headshot of Takashi w/Detailed Background
Public Slots to this Ballator will be rare or only open when he has earned more slots. I will guard them obsessively...
The Melekure Stables: Breeding Agreement
1) Mine
2) Mine
3) Mine
4) Mine
5) Bellum-Letale | Usable | Mare Pending | Foal Pending
6) gresslok | Used | 1915 BWS Andromeda | ID 2462|Foal design
7) pancakebossart101 | Used | 3206 SLS Mediocris Crystallo | 4168 Cupid Desideriis
8) Private
9) Private
10) Open
11) Closed (Unlocked, Intermediate Stats)
12) Closed (Gained from Advent Calendar)
13) Closed (Gained from Advent Calendar)

Unearned Slots
12) Closed (Not Earned, Advanced Skill Slot)
13) Closed (Not Earned, Expert Skill Slot)
14) Closed (Not Earned, Elite Skill Slot)
15) Closed (Not Earned, Olympian Skill Slot)
16) Closed (Not Earned, Royal Skill Slot)
17) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 1)
18) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 2)
19) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 2)
20) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 3)
21) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 3)
22) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 4)
23) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 4)
24) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 4)
25) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 4)
26) Closed (Not Earned, Regale's Quests Level 4)


This Reference +3
CM | winky winky +11 Stats
Inherited Stats .5 (Mother), 21 (Sire)

Gaits: 1
Dressage: 6
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 3.5
Stamina: 0
Speed: 11
Strength: 14.5
(Total: 35.5  - Intermediate )

Accepted Foal/import Design: 2299 foal for ToxicCreed
Breeding Note: Breeding Note
Reference by the AMAZING and WONDERFUL gresslok Go show them some UBER LOVE!
Image size
5000x4000px 3.01 MB
© 2016 - 2025 ToxicCreed
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pancakebossart101's avatar
pancakebossart101.deviantart.c… here's my mare I'll use this will be such a pretty golden pink and blue baby