BHEC 069 Melancholy Hilltoskurra on DeviantArt

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BHEC 069 Melancholy Hill



YES YES I LOVE HER thank you sosososmuch Bhealltainn for letting me adopt this cutie <3 I haven't forgotten BHEC... I know I've been focusing on my fantasy pons a lot lately. I'll try to get motivated to finish her mandatory training for Equibreak. Also YES I'm going to be naming my new horses after Gorillaz songs because I'm trash... I've loved them ever since I was a wee thing so these song titles mean a lot to me

 BHEC 069 Melancholy Hill

EE/aa/RnRn/nSpl/nTo - Ee/aa/Zz // Blue Roan Splash Tobiano /w Silver Black Chimera

Bullet; Blue Stable Name: Breezy Haven Equestrian Center
   Show Name: Melancholy Hill
   Nickname: Mollie
   ID: #069
Bullet; Blue Age: 4 years
Bullet; Blue Sex: Mare
Bullet; Blue Breed: Barroco-Horse
Bullet; Blue Height: 15.3 hh
Bullet; Blue Weight: 1,240

Bullet; Blue Genotype: Ee/aa/RnRn/nSpl/nTo - Ee/aa/Zz
Bullet; Blue Phenotype: Blue roan splash tobiano /w Silver black chimera

Bullet; Blue Disciplines/Skill Set: Hunter/Jumpers, Pleasure driving, Trail comps

Bullet; Blue Tack: 



Mollie is one if the most bombproof youngsters you'll ever meet- as long as she's with a good rider that is. If the rider doesn't know what they're doing, they are ending up on the ground. She takes her work very seriously, but can often get frustrated if she doesn't learn something fast enough. When not under-saddle she likes to be left alone with her thoughts. If you do get close to her and she's not in the right mood, she's not afraid to bite at you- whether you're a horse or human. When she is in a good mood, Mollie is pretty easy horse to be around and has good ground manners. She is quirky in that she often stares into the distance and doesn't even realize it. Also she must always be lunged before being ridden.

Bullet; Blue Other References

Barroco Custom Import | Bhealltainn by chelissima #069 Featherfoot by Bhealltainn 069 Featherfoot by Bhealltainn

Bullet; Blue Training / Recreational Images 

Headshot doodles
Sea +1 +2 +1 = 4
The Barroco Kiddos +1 +2 +2 =5
#069 Featherfoot +3 background +2 shading +3 full body = 8BP
_____. PECKING ORDER +3 +2 +3 = 8 BP
River-bend +3 background +3 shading +3 full body = 9BP
Summer TIme Sadness +3 +2 +3 = 8
Full Body with Tack AND BG:
Lunging Birdy +3 fullbody +2 training image +2 shading +3 background +2 story = 12
Cavaletti Exercise | Birdy +3 +2 +2 +3 = 10 +5 skill = 15
STAGE ONE: Protected +3 +2 +2 = 7
Training Class +3 +3 +2 +3 + 2 =13
 [EQB] Mollie Fish +3 +3 + 3
[EQB] Nice And... Not So Easy +3 +3 +3
[EQB] Smile, You're Amongst Friends
Well... Hello?
Breeding Picture

Bullet; Blue Competition Entries


Barroco - Teniente Flash by CalyArt
Level - Comandante Star! Star! Star! Star! Star! Star! 
Total points -- 114.5

Handling - Bullet; GreenBullet; GreenBullet; YellowBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Amateur +25
Confidence - Bullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Untrained
Stamina- Bullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Noob +5
Speed- Bullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Noob +5
Jumping - Bullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Noob +5
Dressage - Bullet; GreenBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; WhiteBullet; White - Amateur +10
Total: 50
1. Groundwork.  Checkmark Cavaletti Exercise | Birdy
2. Lunging. Checkmark Lunging Birdy
3. Accepting a saddle/rider. Checkmark [EQB] Nice And... Not So Easy 
4. First ride. Checkmark [EQB] Mollie Fish 
5. Final: Discipline training. Checkmark [EQB] Smile, You're Amongst Friends

Bullet; Blue Bloodlines - STARTER

------------------------------------------------- SSS: Unknown
---------------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- SDS: Unknown
---------------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
---------------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------------- DSS: Unknown
---------------------- DD: Unknown

------------------------------------------------- DDD: Unknown

Bullet; Green = OPEN, Bullet; Red =CLOSED
Breedings 3/9 taken Bullet; Yellow Limited amount of slots open | Note me if interested! 
1 breeding for 1 shaded fullbody breeding pic
1. Bhealltainn | USED
2. Zakeido | UNUSED
3. ItsBeingBay | USED
4. Bullet; Green 
5. Bullet; Green 
6. Bullet; Red 
7. Bullet; Red 
8. Bullet; Red 
9. Bullet; Red 

BC Hell's Belles Noelle

A004 Paz del Viudo
NIS Velocity | Foal Design

:iconhorseart-rpg: :iconequestrianevents: :iconbarroco-horse: :iconbh-equestrian-center:

art / character (c) toskurra
original design (c) chelissima 
Image size
3050x2152px 6.74 MB
© 2017 - 2025 toskurra
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onechaoticbard's avatar
She looks gorgeous in your style!
Welcome to the group c: