A r i u s [ PLEASE READ ]toskurra on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/toskurra/art/A-r-i-u-s-PLEASE-READ-813803508toskurra

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Commission I did for a friend recently on Instagram! It's been a while since I've drawn a dragon and this was soo much fun :love:

So I just wanted to (hopefully) briefly explain why I've raised my prices for both my Boucle designs and my regular commissions. This shouldn't come as a surprise, but, commissions take time. I've been unhappy with my prices for a while, and only kept them low for so long because I was worried about nobody commissioning me at all. Now that I'm in college and trying to pay for more of my own things like bills and groceries, I simply could not keep drawing so much for so little. Many people I've talked to say that even my updated prices are too low, but I'm content with them now. I realize that there isn't a high demand for my work, and I'm not professional. Therefor, I think where the prices are now is a happy medium. 
     Same thing goes for the Boucle foal design commissions. I know that these are typically lower in the field of other people who offer designing services. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't still take into account the amount of time I put into them. I do my best to make my designs unique, clean, and detailed. Each one can easily take hours to create, especially the more complicated genos. I totally understand that not everyone has the money to spend $18-$20+ on a foal design, but I feel that the new prices better reflect the quality and time put into them. 
     Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me over the years! I just thought I'd give that explanation as I've gotten a few messages from people- not just on dA- questioning the higher prices. I'm pretty much just in a similar position as plenty of other people on here: a broke college student trying to support themselves with their art :')

Love you all <3

art (c) toskurra / frostybrooke.art
Image size
1302x2336px 1.94 MB
© 2019 - 2025 toskurra
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