Note: I don't mind you reposting or editing my stuff, but please link back or credit me if you do so.
Further note: Don't get creeped out if I watch you back. It's like the Monkee's song, I'm just tryin' to be friendly!
Further further note: If I use you as a reference I will absolutely either ask permission first before I post or try to credit you
UPDATE: Well I've been here for 7 months, and I am real pleased with the community. I got into AI as a toy, ya know, just for fun, and I'm pleased that I can kind of sort of mostly illustrate my ideas and put a little bit of stuff out there for underappreciated characters, even if it's not the greatest. That's all I wanted. If I can make something artsy or sexy while I'm at it, that's great too, but I didn't get into this to make money.
I do mostly adult stuff but I'll try to keep that separate from the SFW, SOME of it is classy hopefully. Just expect that crossover. I usually use references or game assets in my stuff, so not much is from scratch.
You want to tell me I suck, you can tell me I suck, but price of admission is I expect you to do what I tried to do better. If you're looking for or at my OC's just know what you're going to find adult fanfics behind most of them.
I'm a fanfic writer, idea man, commissioner on the very rare moments I can afford it, and now AI art generator, in that order. I'm like Somewhere In Time meets a Jeanna Fine movie and they have an 80's reference spewing baby if you can wrap your mind around that
I can't get arrested on other sites, so I'll try my hand here at deviant. I got too much stuff not to have a central place for it. I am better than your average rando freehand for what that's worth, but I'm not an artist, and don't expect to ever be, but I do like that AI can take ideas and make them happen. I'm not looking for credit or profit, I just want to generate interest and appreciation for criminally under used characters. Mostly I do game stuff but I dabble in all kinds.
If you check out my sites, it's mostly going to be adult stuff so don't go logging on the school computer or expecting a wedding registry or such. You can find me at:
My civitai, most of its hardcore stuff so for that you'll need an account to login and play with filters:
topside_johnny Creator Profile | Civitai (Haven't used this much yet but there's going to be adult stuff) (where I am perpetually deboosted and shadowbanned and generally run out of town and what not)
Thanks for watching!!!
Thanks u
Thanks u
Thank you for watching! ❤️
Hey, thanks for watching! 😊
Check out “Warrior Women” gallery and become the General of your personal sexy army - once the gallery is unlocked, you will be getting additional warrior every day! 😎
Thanks for the watch!