Ace The Red KnightTonyDCeph on DeviantArt

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Ace The Red Knight



Like Kyuri, Ace is a Saiyan from one of the four alternate timelines. Unlike the other Time Knights, Ace was not a founding member. Very much like Goku, Ace was sent to Earth as a baby and lived life as a peaceful Earthling. After Toki Toki city was attacked by a band of demons, the Supreme Kai of Time felt the need for another full blooded Saiyan, she recruited a Saiyan she thought was similar to Goku. While Ace was in fact strong and received well by other time patrollers, Kyuri didn't think highly of him. In fact, she somewhat despised him because he reminded her of her brother, but mostly because she felt that Ace was an attempt to replace her. This fear eventually came true, after Kyuri somewhat devastated Toki Toki city in a sparring match with Ace. The Supreme Kai of Time then demoted Kyuri, an action she resented Ace for. Despite how Kyuri felt, though, Ace always respected her. Although the animosity did not prevent the two from doing their jobs, as Kyuri was able to free Ace from Towa's control, and then Ace took an energy blast from Mira to save Kyuri. After this the two began to work better with each other, but Kyuri still held onto a small amount of hatred. Kyuri didn't set aside her animosity until after Ace helped save her from Towa's influence and convinced her not to forsaken her Saiyan power. After which, Kyuri taught Ace how to achieve Super Saiyan God without the need for a ritual and allowed him to take Katas' place on the Time Knights.
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1917x1025px 466.5 KB
Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Date Taken
Jul 7, 2018, 4:48:49 PM
© 2018 - 2025 TonyDCeph
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