SGS: Species: Mobians/Shiny Gallade/Blade Pokemon/Martian/Saiyan Hybrid IQ: ∞ H: 99,999,999 W: 0.1 Also Called: Kiru (Actual Name), Tonnam (Current Name), Meiryo (Rare Name), Kiru is not Slow Goal: Slaying Ender Dragon (Failed Until He got Charon Blaster), Protecting ExplodingTNT and She SGS, Calm Pink Sheep Down, Helping Purple Shep, Synchronizing SMG4 blooper, Protect Earth from Celebi, Alien, DSGS or invader (Despite he is Martian), Have 99,999,999 Soob Hobbies: Watching TV, Building Gunpla, Make Video (by Synchronizing SMG4 Video), Fighting & Psychic Training Favorite Food: Chili Dog (Only Eat Twice), Doritos (Except Nacho Cheese) Friend: ExplodingTNT (Sometime), Failboat (Sometime), Swagshit (Friend), Purple Shep, Pink Sheep (Sometime), SwagAgunomu (Dead Self), Alex (Only in Video Sometime Hate Her), She SGS/Kira (Girlfriend), Other Pikachu (Sometime), Diamond-Chan The Diancie (Friend), Calibri The Latios (Brother), Airalin (Sometime), Serene (Friend), Sr Pelo ( Enemies: DSGS/Urik (Nemesis), ExplodingTNT (Mostly of Time), Failboat (Mostly of Time), Swagshit (For killing Lucario or When He Goes Crazy), Sonic (Formerly), Tyranitar, Alex (Only in Real Life Sometime in Video), ShinyLucarioSwag (For Defeating Brother DSGS), Other Pikachu (When He/She Pissed off), Magikarp (Because they messed up video), Fairy Steve (Because he stole his Girlfriend (Diamond Chan or Kira) as he think she is fairy as she is fairy type) Teletubbies (Like SMG4), Steve (for Harming Diamond Chan), Dr. Robotnik (Because he Put pingas into his butt), Mokey (for stole diamond-chan), Airalin (for Steal his Gaming Device) Like: Making Video, Synchronizing SMG4 Bloopers, She SGS, SMG4, ExplodingTNT and Friend, Riding Latios, Am Scatman Song, Diancie, Lucario, Diamond (including diancie), Go to different region with latios UFO or airplane (when latios goes crazy or being sick or UFO is ran out of fuel), Dragon Ball Anime, Undertale, MLP Cartoon, Pokemon Anime, his Real Life Counterpart Dislike: Fairy Steve (For touching his girlfriend), Being Called Girl (As ShinyKirliaSwag), Being Called Cute (As ShinyRaltsSwag), Steve & Alex (Because He/She stole Diamond (Including Diamond-Chan)), Bidoof Craziness, Magikarp, Someone who Annoying him (Sonic, Alex, Bowser & Gengar), people who hate his video, his account or channel is hacked, People (Including Swagshit) Who killing Lucario, Latios drop him off, His friend or people disobey him, Dr. Robotnik, Heavy, Keroro Gunso Anime (Because this Anime is Cancer), Slowness, Weegee, Noob, Being Denied Pokemon OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire, People who touch his Computer, Rice Ball (Real Life Counterpart Only), Spider, Being Called Sex (As ShinyKirliaSwag), Pingas Meme (Sometime), Being Called Slow, Someone Who Tried to Kill Mile Tails Prower (Sonic), Fail to Perform Banette Launcher, Being Denied Doritos, Charon, Celebi (for kill Calibri the Latios/Diamond Chan the Diancie), Being Denied Diancie, Bill Cipher, Genocide, KILLOOOO Favorite Vehicle: Toyota Supra, UFO Favorite Board: Hoverboard Weapons, Move, Power & Ability: Steadfast, Levitate (via Telekinesis), Justified, Teleportation, Psycho Cut, Superhuman Speed, Telekinesis, Lightsaber (Blue Force), Hyper Beam, Night Slash, Psychic, Aura Sphere (Can't Normally Learn in Game & Anime), Spear, Diamond Sword, Banette Launcher, Cannon Penis, Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, Mega Evolution, Charon Blaster, Double Team, Gravity (via Telekinesis), Hyper Chaos Spear, Pyrokinesis (via Telekinesis), Hydrokinesis (via Telekinesis), Electrokinesis (via Telekinesis), Cryokinesis (via Telekinesis), Time freeze, Telekinetic Teleport, Chronokinesis, Immortality Fate: Alive (Sometime Killed)
ExplodingTNT: Species: TNTPerson/Mouse/Human/Pikachu/Electrode/Martian/Gardevoir Hybrid IQ: ∞ (Sometime 1) H: 9,000,000 W: 999 Also Called: Mouse (By Everyone Except Kiru Failboat SMG4 Sr Pelo), TNT is not mouse Goal: Getting Pizza, Make weird video, Looking for Friend, Survive Pink Sheep, have 99,999,999 sub Hobbies: Make video, Training Psychic, Pranking SMG4 Favorite Food: Pizza, Cheese (Sometime) Friend: Failboat, GameplayerHD, Pink Sheep (Sometime), Purple Shep, ZephPlayz, SMG4 (Follower), Sr Pelo, Mesprit (Friend), Airalin (Girlfriend) Enemies: Pink Sheep (Mostly of Time), Purple Shep (Formerly), Failboat (Sometime), SMG4 (Sometime), SGS (Sometime), Pink Guy (When he tried to kill him for not make video), Diamond-Chan The Diancie (Because she Crush on SGS) Like: Pizza, Deadbush, Diamond, Make video, Survive Pink Sheep and Pink Guy, Kiru, SMG4 Dislike: Microwave, Being Called Mouse, Failed to Do Telekinesis, Being Killed, Having 0 Sub, Fail to prank SMG4, Being Forever Alone, Being Don't Have Friend (Except Failboat, SMG4, Sr Pelo & Kiru), His Temper Tantrum, Swagshit (Because he Stole His rice ball in Bidoof Showdown), Solded out Pizza, Chica (Because She Stole Pizza), Being Pink, She SGS (Because She crush on SGS), PranksterGangsterNation (Sometime), Being Denied Cheese & Pizza Favorite Vehicle: UFO Weapons, Move, Power & Ability: Sychronize, Trace, Telepathy, Black Hole, TNT Manipulation, Telekinesis, TNT, Diamond Sword, Teleportation, Explosion, Mega Evolution (While he is gardevoir), Levitate (via Telekinesis), Fireproof, Shadow Ball Fate: Alive (Sometime Killed ∞ time) SMG4: Species: Half Human Half Lucario IQ: 1 H: Unknown W: Unknown Also Called: Idiot (By TNT Airalin Kiru), Hobo, Asian, Glitchy (State in Mario in Real Life), Aura Guardian, SMG4 is not idiot Goal: Make Bizarre video, Looking for Friend, Survive ExplodingTNT, have 99,999,999 soob, making Mario died (Sometime Failed) Hobbies: Make video, Create Aura Power Favorite Food: Burrito Friend: Starman3, X (Sometime Best friend), SGS/Kiru (Friendly Rival), ExplodingTNT (Sometime), Luigi, Mario (Sometime), Azelf (Friend) Enemies: SMG3 (Nemesis), ExplodingTNT, Mario (When he goes crazy), Teletubbies, Purple Shep (For stole computer), SGS (Because he Stole His Video/Rival), Charon the Gardevoir, Sr Pelo Like: Making Video, Computer, Everything Except Dislike, Burrito Dislike: SMG3, People who Touch his Computer, Teletubbies, ExplodingTNT, Mario Stupidness, Failed to Do Aura, Having 0 Soob, His Temper Tantrum, Toad (When They Pissed off), His girlfriend are having different boyfriend rather than him, Being Don't Have Friend, People ragequiting, Solded Out Burrito, Being Called Idiot, Fail to Perform Waluigi Launcher, Sr Pelo, Being Denied Burrito Favorite Vehicle: Car & UFO Weapons, Move, Power & Ability: Steadfast, Justified, Levitate (Via Magnet Rise), Aura Manipulation, Aura Sphere, Waluigi Launcher, Cannon Penis, Cartridge Tilt, Magnet Rise, Mega Evolution (While he is lucario), Immortality, Teleportation (Via aura control) Fate: Alive (Sometime Dies Too many time)
SwagAgunomu: Species: Azelf/Willpower Pokemon IQ: ??? H: Unknown W: Unknown Also Called: None Goal: Unknown Hobbies: Unknown Favorite Food: Unknown Friend: SGS (Himself), ExplodingTNT (Formerly) Enemies: Pink Sheep, ExplodingTNT, SMG4, Purple Shep Like: Unknown Dislike: Unknown Favorite Vehicle: Unknown Weapon, Move, Power & Ability: Unknown Fate: Unknown (Possibly Deceased) Sr Pelo: Species: Sheep/Garchomp/Mareep/Monster Hybrid IQ: Unknown H: Same as Garchomp W: Same as Garchomp Also Called: Sheep (By TNT SMG4 Kiru), Sr Pelo is not Sheep, 123pendejos (Username) Goal: Getting Fully Filled Chocolate Large Sized Ice Cream (Failed) Hobbies: Draw Everything, Destroying His Table, Disturbing Everyone, Playing Game Favorite Food: Ice Cream With Chocolate Filled, Taco (Except Spaghetti) Friend: Mokey, Frisk, Waluigi, Sanesss (Sometime), Purple Shep (Best Friend), Uxie (Friend), Orange Inkling Enemies: Pink Sheep, Kiru, Sanesss, SMG4, Sanesss, Chara Like: Taco, Chocolate Ice Cream, His Loudness, Signature Big Hair, Table, Uxie Dislike: Taco With Spaghetti on, Chocolate Ice Cream With Last Ball Covered, Ice Cream Fat Woman, Being Called Sheep (Because Large Hair is Wool Shaped), His sound was low, Someone who abuse Waluigi (SMG4), SMG4 (for Abuse Waluigi), ExplodingTNT, Being Denied Fully Chocolate Ice Cream, Someone who tried to kill purple shep, Purple Shep being grounded by his daddy and mommy, Mario, Chara, People who rush him to make video Weapon, Move, Power & Ability: Loud Scream, Roar, Rough Skin, Dragon Aura, Mega Evolution (While he is garchomp), Suicideproof, Surviving Shrink Out of Existence, Immortality, Explosion Immunity, Dual Chop, Summoning Table, Angry Mode Fate: Alive Battle Ready: SGS Turn SGS Used Psycho Cut On ExplodingTNT ExplodingTNT Deal 20 Damage Its Not Very Effective ExplodingTNT Used TNT On SGS SGS Avoid Attack It Hit into SMG4 instead SMG4 Deal 9999 Damage SMG4 Used Waluigi Launcher On ExplodingTNT ExplodingTNT Deal 99 Damage SGS Mega Evolved into Mega Gallade SGS Used Hyper Beam Psycho Cut Night Slash Combination On Both Fighter SMG4 Deal 999999999999999999999 Damage ExplodingTNT Deal 99 Damage Double Fainted Sr Pelo Used Scream on SGS SGS Avoid Attack It Hit into SwagAgunomu Instead SwagAgunomu Used Extrassensory Sr Pelo Deal One Hit Damage Sr Pelo Fainted SwagAgunomu Used Hyper Beam SGS Avoid Attack SGS Used Banette Launcher SwagAgunomu Deal 99 Damage Its Super Effective SwagAgunomu Fainted Vote Who Winner: 1st SGS 99,999,999% 2nd ExplodingTNT 10,000% 3rd SMG4 9,999% 4th Sr Pelo 100% 5th SwagAgunomu 2% Winner is SGS
Sad note to Harry and Sr Pelo by tonnamprathumtree, journal
Sad note to Harry and Sr Pelo
Dear :iconsol-lar-bink: and :iconsrpelo:
I'll quit deviantart for block me if you unblock me i'll return back if you don't i'll never see you againGoodbye deviantart
Uxietale is RPG Bullet Hell Game Made by Undertale-Pokemon Fan. Uxietale is inspired by Undertale, Pokémon, Sr Pelo, ExplodingTNT, Mario, Sonic There are List of Character Main Character
Diamond-Chan Uxie Kiru/Meriyo Calibri
SMG4 Mokey the Chaos Emeralds Mobians