Tagged by ... already 3 people: :iconthatorangedragon: , :iconvixendra: and :iconohthatarelly:RULES:
1. Pick one of your OCs.
2. Fill in the question/statements as if you were that OC.
3. Tag four people to do this meme.I don't have any OCs, so i'll just write about my alter-ego, who represents me in art.
I'm not very talkative, don't expect big, funny answers. Sorry ^^; 1. What is your name? Tomasz, you can call me Tom. 2. Do you know why you are named that? Eeem, because my mum didn't let dad name me. :P 3. Are you single or taken? Of course taken. 4. Have any abilities or powers? Shapeshifting. If I was a story character, I would be ove...