Spiral Knights - Brokentomokii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tomokii/art/Spiral-Knights-Broken-366521314tomokii

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tomokii's avatar

Spiral Knights - Broken



PS filter-spam! Thanks to everyone who came to watch me stream this last night, even though most of you didn't say hi. XP The idea to stream was random, but I learned to not do it when I had no idea where to take the piece being made (awkward! way to embarrass yourself, self). Also definitely not when I'm uncontrollably sobbing. Heh

Spiral Knights and the flower, divine wings, haunted aura...they all mean something to me. It's kind of weird to let out life frustrations via fanart, but hey, it works. It's a bit different than most SK fanart, probably not a good thing because the game is more about fun and adventures...

I've been pretty down for a long time now, much more in the past couple of weeks. I tried really hard, but life can be pretty unfair.


~6 hours
Drawn in SAI with edits in PSCS4.
Image size
500x773px 351.36 KB
© 2013 - 2025 tomokii
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Scintilikat's avatar
I still think about this image alot