TommyJoeKitties's avatar


Years Ago
109 Members93 Watchers

Scared - Prologue by seda-0001, literature

Underneath by seda-0001, literature

Comments 116

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LensToTail's avatar
Is this group still alive?
Heathangel1267's avatar
Thanks for adding me
Nadine95's avatar
thx for adding my other drawing of tommy =)
Zim95's avatar
Nadine95's avatar
thanks for adding my drawing =)
Zim95's avatar
fanflock's avatar
Ok, well I'm probably going to sound like a bitch for pointing this out (though it's not like I haven't been called that before) but it needs to be said in general...

The uploading of photos onto dA from Tommy's photo shoot with Kara Thomas (or any other official photography) is illegal.

Upon entering her site there are conditions:

"All photographs in this gallery are subject to copyrights of the professional photographer listed above and are protected by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) and by the Berne Convention. Reproduction, storage or transmittal by any means, of any image on this web site, whole or in part, is prohibited without express prior written permission. Prints purchased from this gallery may not be reproduced or scanned for any reason and may only be used for personal display. If you wish to publish or reproduce the materials in any physical or digital form or use them for any commercial purpose, including display or Web page use, you must obtain prior written permission from the photographer listed above."

This is very important on dA as when you upload something it gets visibly copyrighted to you AKA deviantart tells the world that this art belongs to you and you own all it's rights even if you put a disclaimer.
(If anyone can show written permission to post the photos, you are obviously exempt.)

Related deviantArt FAQs:
FAQ #8: What are violations of the deviantART copyright policy?
FAQ #157: Can I use things created by other people in my submissions?
FAQ #257: What sort of permission do I need to use someone else's work?