Digidogs - Frostbite in ActionTomaszewski1994 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tomaszewski1994/art/Digidogs-Frostbite-in-Action-881163901Tomaszewski1994

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Digidogs - Frostbite in Action



"Yo, you can't ice me, 'cos I'm the ice-crème de le crème, the ice in your ice cream, and the biggest, baddest, and toughest dawg around, dawg!"

If there is anyone who can stop even a homicidal clown the best way he knows and be so full of himself, it would be everybody's favorite metrosexual, Frostbite the Alaskan Malamute (I have changed his name from Ice, which I have reflected on his concept page).

Not much can be really said about my progress, as I haven't really come across any particularly new challenges when working on this piece. I am increasingly confident in my abilities to start with the comic series, and once I get the other two characters and make a couple more concept arts, I can really get going with the project. That, and I'll need to convert the brainstorming format of my stories into a readable format so they can be sent out for review.

For those of you out of the loop, Digidogs is the working title for my upcoming project, which is a Road Rovers spiritual successor in which six students of Howling Bay High School transform into anthropomorphic, canid superheroes, with the aid of a specially made sports watch, to fight crime and protect the city of Howling Bay and abroad. I plan on this to be a comic/graphic novel series chronicling their misadventures.
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2008x1335px 10.24 MB
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