Opening up Art TradesToko90s on DeviantArt

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Opening up Art Trades


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Alright, so. I've been going through some mild art block. I want to draw, but am struggling when it comes to thinking up things to draw. So to help me get through this, I'm opening up art trades.

General rules:

I'm okay with drawing:



Most Digimon (depends on complexity of design)

Can try:

Humans (I wanna get better at drawing human faces but be warned I'm still practicing this)

Not okay with:
Hardcore fetishes (vore, inflation, stuff like that)

The style will be similar to the style used in this piece. I will likely complete them in the order I get them, and uploads will likely be either Monday or Wednesday.

Any of my characters with a character sheet is fair game. I would, however, prefer the ones with more unique designs (Meadow, Timmy, Edwin, Violet, ect) over the more simpler ones (mostly Hazel).

Leave a comment if you're interested.

Edit: Gotten five trades now, so I'll likely put things on hold for now. Might reopen this once they're done. Likely have a notifier of some kind when it happens.

Image size
800x600px 380.47 KB
© 2025 Toko90s
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NullVoid144's avatar

Alright, I'll try, I've proven myself to a friend to be a good artist, so I believe in myself.