Deviation Actions
Next: Coming soon.
Trying something a bit different with the ask. Instead of uploading one giant comic, I'm gonna split them up into a few pages. This serves two purposes; too hopefully keep me from stressing out about getting it done on time, and to hopefully make it so other websites I upload this too don't completely pulp the quality of it.
Meadow is a very smooth Mew when it comes to introductions, it seems.
Like my art? Why not consider a watch! Most of viewers aren't watchers, and it'd really help me out with growing on dA. Or perhaps a hype badge? It really helps with visibility on the site! I also wouldn't say no to a diamond badge, as the scheduling feature of core certainly makes things easier on me.
Meadow: Have you ever wondered if you could find a mutation pokemon similar to you? (Pokemon+Pungent animal{a Methitidae[skunk] or Pentatomidae[stink bug] family member(or anything similar)})