Hey. Been getting a lot of scam notes lately. So sorry if I don't reply to you in a note. As of right now, I only respond to accounts I recognize and know aren't scammers. Sorry about this. :(
I take quite a bit to do art, but I do enjoy what I do. I apologize if you're waiting on a certain thing. I suffer from frequent bouts of exhaustion, which is a primary factor. It's why I'm hesitant to do requests or art trades; at the rate I work on art, it'll likely take me about a month even for a simple drawing. ^^;
I am a self taught artist for the most part. Growing up, most of the schools I went to either cut their art programs or didn't even have one to begin with. I have a good grasp on the fundamentals but I'm still learning as I go, more or less.
While I don't personally identify as a furry, most of my art tends to be anthro related. Having grown up in the 90s, I have a soft spot for back when animal characters were the primary protagonist of cartoons and the like, which has influenced my art style a lot over the years.
For various reasons I can't go into, I can't do anything paypal and/or patreon related.
Don't be afraid to comment! Even if I don't reply, I always read every one I get. Do note I tend to get a lot of scam notes so I'm usually less likely to response to notes. If I don't reply, it's either because I tend to get a lot of this type of comment ("thanks for the 'x'"), or because I genuinely don't know how to respond to it.