Fmm - Unmasked 03tohdraws on DeviantArt

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tohdraws's avatar

Fmm - Unmasked 03



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1484x1489px 1.01 MB
© 2018 - 2025 tohdraws
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Xxlove-melodyxX's avatar
I love how you express the defeat of the enemies with a crossed out look in their eyes (x.x) Good thing Fox got his cool-looking jacket back, and his iconic mask too! That yellow glow to the eyes when he wears the mask again is a nice attention to details, really showing that it belongs to him, as well as having the yellow glow stand out against the overall, blue tone of the panel, accentuating the city light behind him. Speaking of the city, your city scape background style is absolutely gorgeous and evokes a lot of rich senses :heart::heart::heart: So it makes me hear all the city sounds and feel the breeze of the cold city night :aww: