Current Residence: MA and RISD
Favourite genre of music: i listen to almost the moment i'm into Japanese music
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams, Hiroshi Sugimoto
Favourite style of art: too many things... but mostly anything with lots of detail, like fractal art
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: black iPod video
Favourite cartoon character: Woodstock, Scrat from Ice Age, and Chopper from anime One Piece
Personal Quote: Um...yeah. Wait. No, yeah.
Favourite Visual Artist
Rothko, Van Gogh, MC Escher, Toots Zynsky, Senju Hiroshi
Favourite Movies
The Science of Sleep, Zoolander, Inside Man, Ratatouille
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
just to list a few... The Postal Service, The Shins, Incubus, MIA, Utada Hikaru, Aqua Timez, m-flo
Favourite Writers
Nick Hornby, Douglas Adams, David Sedaris
Favourite Games
at the moment Super Smash
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2, GameCube, wish i had a Wii
Tools of the Trade
0.3mm lead pencil, MONO eraser, Canon SD1000, Nikon N55, Photoshop CS3
Other Interests
drawing, jewelry making, fashion design, photography, digital imaging, music and of course, movies!