Toadsworth-FanClub's avatar


Years Ago
12 Members10 Watchers

Comments 18

anonymous's avatar
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Griddle-Cake's avatar
Thank you so much for add my Picture. Im honored. ^^
SarahVilela's avatar
Hello! I'm Sarah Vilela, and I'm almost 19 years old!

I have some suggestions for new foulders: "Toadsworth and Wario", "Toadsworth and Mario", "Toadsworth and Luigi", "Toadsworth and Daisy", "Toadsworth and Rosalina", "Toadsworth and Yoshi", "Toadsworth and Bowser", "Toadsworth and Kamek", "Toadsworth and OCs", "Couples", "Events", "Sketches", "Comics", "Literature", "Crossovers", "Icons", "Stamps", "Fan Buttons", "Wallpapers","Sprites","Animations","Cosplays","Toys, plushies, etc." and "Memes".

Can't I post my Toadsworth drawings through the group? So, it becomes difficult without your help!
SuperToadsworth10's avatar
SarahVilela's avatar

OMG! And even my drawings with Toadsworth are rejected by the owner of that group ?! (now I realized that)

SuperToadsworth10's avatar

But so what? you are gotta be Contributors

SuperToadsworth10's avatar
Hello my friend do you want to draw Toadsworth