
4018 deviations

958 deviations

Meow Wolf Convergence Station
435 deviations

The Bet
122 deviations

Jurassic World TE
90 deviations

Bionicle pics1
176 deviations

HF Hero and the Maiden
34 deviations

funny bio
186 deviations

VR scenes
59 deviations
Lights, Camera, Pants Bionicle MOCs
Special thanks to Toaoflight3690, HeavyHitterConner, & xmaliu
For their versions, I had also rewatched the console film version on youtube and looked up a more accurate script here (link) .
Also I went a little out of the box and starred some of my Bionicle mocs in this. I also modified the dialog at some points to fit them.
Well enjoy!
-Opening sequence-
TV Narrator: The New Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! Mermaid Man! Forceful, fearless, regular. Aided by his trusted ward, Barnacle Boy!
Mermaid Man: Most important meal of the day. (shakes Barnacle Boy over an empty cereal bowl)
Barnacle Boy: Oh, put me down, you old coot.
TV Narrator: Protecting our seas and homes from the most dastardly of villains, including, their number 1 arch-nemesis, the Dirty Bubble.
Dirty Bubble: (chasing and scaring a couple citizens) A booga-booga-booga! (laughs)
TV Narrator: And their second most arch-nemesis, Man Ray.
Man Ray: (after making graffiti on a building reading
43 deviations
Shadows In The Woods ch20
Shadows in the WoodsCh 20Around 10:20 pm Necro let out a yawn stretching his arms, saying.
"Well we should probably get a good night's rest."Zemo didn't argue as he followed him around house. Necro explained that it is always a good idea to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked before leaving the house or going to bed.After securing the first floor, Zemo headed upstairs and down the hall to his room once in there
he got in bed. Unlike first night with the Rahi-like Makuta ontop of the covers curled up like a dog, this time besides being in a human form and wearing their clothes, Zemo got underneath gray comforter, instan...
Shadows in the woods
20 deviations

131 deviations

Bionicle HF crossover pics
317 deviations

other stuff
100 deviations
Not An Average Ga-Matoran Chapter 22
Makuta Nizer and Alaya had been sleeping when the sound of their cell door opening woke them up.
To their surprise it was not Krika bringing them a meal, but a Toa of Lightning and a female Shadow Matoran had entered closing the door behind them.
The Makuta father and Ga-Matoran daughter immediately got up and walked up to the newcomers.
“Who are you?” Nizer asked beginning the conversation in confusion.
“Hello Nizer, my love.” The female Toa spoke in a voice that was a mix of her own and her hostess.
“Hi Daddy!” The female Shadow Matoran smiled with a wave toward.” Hi Alaya!”
It took a few minutes for their words to sink in. The Makuta was stunned as the lady Toa hugged him tightly glancing up at him in a loving gaze. He embraced her back after a few seconds. Glad to hold his beloved wife again for the first time since forever.
She then broke away from him while speaking in her true voice. ”Wait a minute?! Tukayako your lover is a Makuta?!?”
“Yes, Sierra, I need your
Not An Average Ga-Matoran
22 deviations
My Little Bionicle Chapter 8
My Little Bionicle The 13 Elements
Ch8*Back at Ponyville*"Are you sure that your family wouldn't mind me staying here?" Onua asked as he and Applejack were walking back to Sweet Apple Acres.
"Ya' already met Big Macintosh and Granny Smith during brunch earlier Onua, I doubt that they'll ever hate you." The orange earth pony replied giving him a wink as the orchid came into their view.After a few minutes they passed the gate, Onua heard barking, running toward them was a small furry four-legged Rahi, with brown and white fur wearing a red collar ran up to them yipping happily waving its tail."What is that strange Rahi?" Onua asked as the ...
My Little Bionicle
16 deviations

StL Renaissance Festival
74 deviations

16 deviations

CO Trip pics
464 deviations

Universal fl
311 deviations

216 deviations

Lake Trip Pics
65 deviations

Vultraz's flight
24 deviations

Hero Factory Operation Aperture
9 deviations

Arches NP
42 deviations

Disney Orlando
239 deviations

1 deviation