TMNT 2003 Japanese Logo Vectoredtmntsam on DeviantArt

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TMNT 2003 Japanese Logo Vectored



Ain't it a beaut?

Hello, all! The reason this exists is because I wanted to do a vector of a Japanese logo for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the 1980s one scared me, so I did the 2003 logo instead.

This is more-or-less accurate, save for a few discrepancies with the stroke function always rounding out at the edges instead of being pointy. Also, the stars were hard to do, more so because it was a very lo-res picture.

So, what do you think?
Image size
1275x585px 184.59 KB
© 2017 - 2025 tmntsam
anonymous's avatar
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themosteempest's avatar

I would say it's decent although the colours aren't as accurate as in the original one.