MegaBabies - Semi-Classic Styletmntsam on DeviantArt

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tmntsam's avatar

MegaBabies - Semi-Classic Style



Hello Deviants! Some time ago, I did a picture to show a what-if for what would happen if I headed a MegaBabies reboot. The picture is here (
In that picture, I said the babies would have three main character models each, which would be used depending on the tone of the situation they are in, or the tone of the episode overall.
This is basically the "transitional" style; the 'inbetween' frame for the classic 'comedy style' and the more 'serious' art style. Note how their mouths are now made of more than one continuous line and there is now a demarcation between their eyes.

Classic 'Comedy' Style -
Modern 'Serious' Style -
Image size
1716x1186px 89.88 KB
© 2017 - 2025 tmntsam
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TheSourHours's avatar

I remember when I found out one of my relatives used to watch this show when it was new.

So that's why I liked this show... it runs in the family.