tleach0608's avatar


The world through my lens...
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Photography
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (623)
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

If you look at my gallery, you'll see that I focus a lot of my photography on wildlife, whether it's outside my window or in a zoo. But really I like to take photos of anything and everything if it means that I can continue to grow as a photographer. So you'll also see flowers and still life and martinis! and anything else that looks like it would be interesting in the frame. I'm passionate about photography and feel blessed to have the chance to pursue it when and where I can.

I'm really nothing more than a photo-holic who has been snapping shots since I bought that used Pentax back in '93. Many upgrades later I have graduated to my Nikon D700 after much deliberation when I decided my hobby should get more serious. Now my photo-holicism has gone into overdrive as I look for any and all opportunities to take a picture.

So go in, take a look around at my gallery and I hope that you like what you see. =) (Smile)

Current Age: 34, Current Residence: Norton, OH, Favourite genre of music: Anything not rap or death metal, Favourite style of art: Anything that catches my interest, Operating System: Windows XP, Favourite cartoon character: Bucky from Get Fuzzy, Personal Quote: I prefer the world through my lens.

Favourite Movies
Inherit the Wind
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Theory of a Deadman
Favourite Writers
Lewis Carroll, Jane Austen, Michael Crichton, Brandon Sanderson, Jim Butcher, EE Knight
Favourite Games
Guitar Hero World Tour! (or MarioKart)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PlayStation 2 or 3
Tools of the Trade
Nikon D700 & D80, 16-35mm, 70-300VR, 50mm 1.4, 105mm 2.8, SB800 flash
Other Interests
Photography, writing, hiking, reading
Hello strangers, I have returned!  Yes, I know, it's rather anti-climactic, but I decided today that I will get back to everything  that brought some joy to my life, and part of that is sharing my photography with a community of like-minded enthusiasts.  =DIn the past couple of years I've managed to do a lot and I won't go into all of it, but I'll touch on the highlights--I've graduated from Kent State just this past May and officially have a degree is Zoology!  Now I can start my endless search for a job where I can care for animals in some way (and get paid for it haha), which will be a long search, I think.  I've spent the past 2 1/2 y...
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Not dead yet!

0 min read
I know, I know, I haven't posted a journal in a while and I haven't really uploaded much in a couple months.  I always think it's funny that I "work" less hours now that I'm in school full time (even with homework added in), and yet I have less time!  But hopefully all of you will forgive me as my dedication is paying off--I still have a 3.9 GPA with a full year under my belt, am partly angry at myself for being cocky at the beginning of my math course because I can only get an A- in the course IF I get a perfect on my math final.  Am proud of myself for getting a perfect on my Chem final to pull a miraculous A after a bad exam.  And am e...
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La Dee Dah!

0 min read
I couldn't come up with a better title, so I was lazy about it.  =D  I'm still around and taking photos, but I just have to kick myself to upload them here.  To be honest (no, this isn't the "I've lost my inspiration" confession!), I've been busy as heck and in my downtime from school, I've been working on re-vamping things to give a better visibility for my wedding photography.  After booking my husband's co-worker and then booking a referral from the first wedding I did last year, I decided to get a little more serious about it.  Especially once I got an inquiry from a complete stranger who had found me through a link my future sister-in...
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Profile Comments 6.8K

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KariLiimatainen's avatar
Happy Birthday !! :sun:
ingeline-art's avatar
Happy birthday to you and
have a wonderful day!
Greetings and hugs from
cologne Ingeline-art ;-) (Wink) )) Colorful Hearts Colorful Hearts Colorful Hearts
This is only for you!!!!

Happy birthday tleach0608 by ingeline-art
2112yyz2112's avatar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EH!!!!!Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too Have your cake and eat it too 
ingeline-art's avatar
Happy birthday to you and
have a wonderful day!!!
Greetings and hugs from cologne
Ingeline-art ;-) (Wink)))Flower icon.44 Glittery Heart icon Flower icon.44
This is only for you!!!!

Happy birthday tleach0608 by ingeline-art
KariLiimatainen's avatar
Happy Birthday !! :) (Smile)
ingeline-art's avatar
Happy birthday to you and have a
wonderful day -
Greetings and hugs from cologne
Ingeline-art ;-) (Wink))))Jack 0 Lantern. I'M DOING JAZZ HANDS, FUCK YOU THINK I'M DOING, G? Jack 0 Lantern.

Happy birthday tleach0608 by ingeline-art