[DoC] Avery AppTiredPandaBoy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tiredpandaboy/art/DoC-Avery-App-600163989TiredPandaBoy

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[DoC] Avery App



Name: Avery
Breed: Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Height: 31 in
Weight: 120 lb
Age: 2 yrs
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Altered: No

Faction: Junkyard Dogs
Rank: Associate
Family: N/A
Mate: N/A

Color: White and Biscuit
Defining Features: She has a splotch of color on her left hind leg but not her right. The spot on her tail is only on the left side as well.

- Kind: Avery can sense when someone just needs to talk out there problems, and will always be there to listen to their baggage.
- Loyal: She will never leave those who she loves. After learning the hard way what consequences would come with that, she always will stay to protect her family.
- Protective: No matter who it is, if anyone tries to take what is important to her, she will hunt you down and make sure you never steal again. She will always protect her family.
- Confident: She believes in herself and in her decisions to make life changing decisions. She will take charge of a situation if she seems someone not doing there job properly.
- Patient: If someone is trying to get on her nerves, she will ignore them completely and go about her way.
- Clumsy: Being as large as she is sometimes gets her in trouble. She often finds herself stuck in small places, and has tripped over her paws a number of times.
- Vulnerable: Due to her past Avery has become vulnerable to certain environments. She can't stand the smell or sight of blood, or even talking about it without wanting to throw up. She often starts to shake is someone mentions the word.

Pre-Group History: Avery was born into a litter of seven and was the only girl. She was quickly bought by another breeder for her excellent temperament, and shipped far away from her family at the age of 8 weeks. When she arrived at her knew owners place she was raised well, and made a lot of friends there. But when her owner decided she was ready to be bred, she ran away. She didn't want to be told what to do, and definitely didn't want to spend her whole life raising pups she couldn't keep. She ran away the first chance she got and ended up on the rainy streets cold, wet, and alone. Not being used to the life of a stray, she walked into an alleyway, and right into someone else's territory. The stray mutt was angry at first, and circled her with questions as to why she was there. Afraid, she said she didn't know it was someone else's home.

Noticing her collar he huffed. He sat down with her and told her the rules of the strays. He was actually very kind. She ended up hanging out around him a lot, even though he told her not too. Eventually feelings developed, but were never spoken. There was always an invisible line that they would cross occasionally. Dancing on the fence of together and not. One day, the mutt was hunting some food, but the pickings were slim. A lot of people started locking their trash bins. He had to resort to dangerous measures of obtaining food.

He started stealing from farmers.

One chicken, two chickens, but the third... The farmer caught them and gave chase, bat in hand. The stray told her to run. She told him to follow. He became a distraction for her to the farmer, and she watched him die. Ever, since that day she's been traumatized. She can't even hear the word blood without nearly vomiting. Not able to live in the home they made together, she buried her love and fled the town. She found herself in a new town. A town known for it's dog community. Maybe she could find a new family...
Group History: N/A

Kibbles Count: 2
- Her only weakness is blood
- She's a purebred Anatolian
- She loves chasing birds
- She sometimes eats bugs
- Is good at falling face first into the dirt
- She will do anything for the people she loves
- Confident as hell
- Voice: Yuffie - www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHLstO…
Image size
1862x1251px 571.54 KB
© 2016 - 2025 TiredPandaBoy
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ShastaWolf21's avatar
She's the cutest thing, oh I wish I could just hug her >w<
Nice colors btw