Tiny-Mummy-Pet's avatar


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APHLUDWIG's avatar
does anyone know what happend to werewolfofawsome? like i know he left da but does anyone know why? i didn't get a chance to really ask him why and i wish i knew how to get back in contact with him. i remember he was quite active on this group though.
krystlekmy's avatar
You mean wolfofawesome2153? Well, before he left, he told me his reasons. I think he's sensitive or something ^^; Don't worry, he will be back when he's ready next time. i still can contact him in private chat today. He's fine and working some drawing. i just tell him about you so i have to wait for his reply soon. =3 
APHLUDWIG's avatar
ah ok. yea i was a friend of his and i was away when he lleft so i couldn't get his skype if he had one or anything. if you can ask him if he has some way to contact him i'd be so greatful ^^
krystlekmy's avatar
Ah, i see. Actually, he had skype i was chatting to him a while ago but he's hardly online coz his phone broken, he using his comp instead. =3
Ah okay i will leave him a message about your request and see when he reply to my message soon. ^_^ 
FlareVyron's avatar
Hi ! I was wondering if You wouldn't be mad or not if I made a fan comic cuz I am working on a script right now. :p
krystlekmy's avatar
Hello, I'm founder's here. Welcome to group ^_^ Oh, you're working on fan comic? what is it about? :meow:
FlareVyron's avatar
Nice too meet you! :D Its similar to the one I think it was you made and posted. I will tell some but keep some stuff for no Spoilers. But a new pet store is opening in a rather big community. It has suspicious glass tanks and even more suspicious they need help stocking there shop! Anyway thats just a tidbit and it may be a while tell it comes out.