CE General: Pail Is Empty Time to SitTinadactyl-arpg on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/tinadactyl-arpg/art/CE-General-Pail-Is-Empty-Time-to-Sit-1148167513Tinadactyl-arpg

Deviation Actions

Tinadactyl-arpg's avatar

CE General: Pail Is Empty Time to Sit



Collab with @IoNekta with Nek's bgs

Event Title: General Admission - Exploring - The Flowers

Tokota's Import Rimefall 74100

Relevant Bonuses:

- Bright Flashlight

- Summer Hunt Totem

- Totemic Blessing
- Exploring Specialist I

Item Application:

Tribemates: Flooftastic 64165

Faction: TB


Career Tracker: Career Tracker

Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Tinadactyl's Bonuses & Monthly Limits

Activity Journal: Tokotna

Activity Code: n-Rimefall+74100|t-409|o-1651|t-678|a-6|f-tb

Event Title: General Admission - Exploring - The Flowers

Tokota's Import: Flooftastic 64165

Relevant Bonuses:

- Dominant

- Bright Flashlight

- Deer Totem
- Exploring Specialist I

Item Application:

Tribemates: Rimefall 74100

Faction: PB


Career Tracker: Career Tracker

Bonuses and Monthly Limits: ionekta's Bonuses & Monthly Limits

Activity Journal: Activity Tracker

Activity Code: n-Flooftastic+64165|h-dominant|t-409|o-628|a-6|f-pb

Image size
902x1000px 675.45 KB
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IoNekta's avatar

Take care of flowers to sit down and enjoy the flowers