timpu's avatar


393 Watchers

My Two cents on Portfolio Reviews by PascalCampion, journal

Photoshop tutorial- PS basics for newbies by Valentina-Remenar, journal

Artist // Traditional Art
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (692)
birthdAy '13: Celebrated lucky birthday #13
DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (89)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (33)

Tools of the Trade
Pencil. Paper. Patience. PC.
Commissions ,Simple pricing as always. U$D10 for something like (your favourite character from pop culture or your OC): NOTE  me should you want one. Cheers. Agustín.
anonymous's avatar
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Commissions - Holiday prices , 3x2. Three characters of your choice for U$D20. Usual pricing of U$D10 for single characters still available as well. I'll be taking these orders until december 23rd. NOTE  me should you want one. Cheers. Agustín.
anonymous's avatar
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Commissions ,Simple pricing as always. U$D10 for something like (your favourite character from pop culture or your OC): NOTE  me should you want one. Cheers. Agustín.
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 665

anonymous's avatar
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JokerPenguinRiddler's avatar

Cool icon. Captain Haddock is also my favorite character from TinTin. He was always the best and the funny one and had all the best moments. I also liked the other characters including the Thompson twins and the professor

cometpkr's avatar

si tenes ganas... yo te hago un fan art de un personaje tuyo, y vos me haces uno de los mios

(sin compromiso)

timpu's avatar

¿En quién pensabas? Puede andar.

cometpkr's avatar

poneme el link en este hilo de chat de algun personaje de tu autoría que te gustaría que yo homenajee... y vos podes elegir alguno de los mios dentro de mi porfolio

timpu's avatar

Esto es lo más parecido a un "personaje de mi autoría" que tengo creo.

Gaijin Corona (Fifteen years later)

Pasame uno de los tuyos y vemos de darle para adelante.



Thanks for the 🎂