Babel CityTimKb on DeviantArt

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Babel City



This is the first Matt-Painting I ever made. It's an assignment for gamedesign where we have to create a reïnterpretation of the tower of Babel by creating a matt-painting. A Matt painting is basically working in photoshop and using pictures to give it a realistic look. Some people combine brushes and pictures, some people only use pictures. I created mine by combining pictures with my own drawing.

So what I drew is a Manhatten version of Babel.

Imagine that if during the early sixties we would have found a way to make our buildings withstand enormous pressures, so we could make them reach high above the clouds. Every evening you would be able to see a sunset unlike any from the window of one of the suites from the Babel Hotel.
These specific towers form the Babel City complex, built by the wealthiest men of Manhatten. Why is it called Babel City?
Because it was built with a similar purpose to it's predecessor.
It's the connection between earth and heaven.

I've used a part of :iconphoeni-xx: 's amazing " Above the clouds" [link] as the background for the painting.
As well as many other pictures found through google images of which I don't know who to credit (sorry).
I drew pretty much every roof you can see and I designed pretty much every building. I pretty much had to take sides from different buildings and paste them together to create new ones, because there weren't many pictures of older Manhatten pictures that easily put into a perspective that fits with the painting.
I also used the "Velocette" retro font to create the "Hotel Babel" sign.

And that concludes this very long description. It's once again something different from what I usually do.
Hope you like it though
Image size
4961x3508px 1.03 MB
© 2012 - 2025 TimKb
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serika97's avatar
hmm... It's very good! :) I like it! ^^