Steampowered Riot Wheeltimderyk on DeviantArt

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Steampowered Riot Wheel



"As the crowd rounded the next corner I could hear a murmur run back through it. I would have been perhaps seven or eight rows in from the front, so I hurried forward to see what the commotion was. There were about half a dozen of those infernal 'dozers rolling down the street, side to side like a wall, and I could see the heads of the Policemen walking in between and behind. There would have been about a hundred and fifty men, perhaps. All at once they stopped rolling and we heard the hiss and the crunch as the big rear pneumatic spikes drove into the ground, securing the line solidly in place."
"Those at the front of the crowd wavered- not sure whether to press on- but the sheer weight of people meant that halting was impossible. There was no clear instruction so we marched fearfully forward. An amplified voice came from somewhere, exhorting us to give up our struggle or somesuch, but as I say, we couldn't have stopped if we'd tried. Then some dumb kid picked up a rock or a bottle, I don't remember, and before long there was debris flying everywhere; I think I saw one of the drivers get sconed by a brick; doesn't matter of course, because the controls for the mancatchers are on the side as well. Oh, and the voice stopped."
"Then all of a sudden the sides of the mancatchers folded forward like saloon doors, you know how they do, and a stream of Riot Police poured out; and they started bea- (here, Wallace once again glances furtively at the Government agents across the room before continuing -GG.) ...the officers attempted to reason with the mob to find a peaceful resolution to their concerns."

Notorious revolutionary Byron Wallace, in his interview with Godfry Gridley after his dramatic capture and arrest at Halvorston Keys.

Inspired by [link]

[Edit]: Switched some layers around to darken the linework and fiddled with the tone a bit
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© 2007 - 2025 timderyk
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TheCoconutGuy's avatar
thats a mean machine!

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