Shattered Twilight - DurianTigryph on DeviantArt

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Tigryph's avatar

Shattered Twilight - Durian



I've had this rather odd Legend of Zelda OC for quite a while, though I've not done a proper pic of him. There's sketches floating around, but I needed to do something a little more finished. Minus ugly background.

...also Rito beaknoses what even.

Durian is an oddball among the Rito. Where his tribe is naturally peaceful and tries to avoid getting their talons dirty with the affairs of the surface, Durian is fascinated by the Sky Knights and has made a habit of flying out with them. He enjoys imitating the drills the riders accomplish with their loftwings but his antics aren't looked upon kindly by either the knights or his tribe. He wants to be a hero, dangit. 38

..and yes his name is a real name. It is also the name of a stinky fruit. Sucks to be you, bird.

Here's him without the bg/effects for better color reference:
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2000x1067px 1.56 MB
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MissPeridot's avatar
Awesome! You really got the use of canvas space and character placements down super well in this one! :D It comes as no surprise to me that you'd be a fan of the Rito given all the avain motifs and features in your own characters. ^v^

Does the mention of Sky Knights and loftwing mean that he's from the Skyward Sword era?