Snuggling with a SnakeTightLovingCoils on DeviantArt

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Snuggling with a Snake

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Image by PhantomGline
Story by TightLovingCoils
You're relaxing up in a tree after a long day. You soak up the midday sun as you relax, you are unaware that your warming body has attracted the attention of something living in the branches above you.

As you continue to rest, you feel something large and scaley wrapping around your body. You feel it tighten slightly around you. You open you're eyes to see that you're being coiled by a large snake, before you could think of struggling the coils began to massage you. The massage made your eyes grow heavy, it felt that good. You shut your eyes, only shifting slightly to get the coils to tighten around a certain area. The snake's head places itself on your shoulder as it basically snuggles you.
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1203x664px 89.29 KB
© 2024 - 2025 TightLovingCoils
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80022minny1's avatar

I wish Phantomgline did Zaria Jeera & Bleeta from Tak & in the power of Juju to be hypnotized by a bloody snake wrapped around and squeeze