I TRADE POINTS FOR PAYPAL CASHHi everyone!! Well, I was wondering if there was someone there wanting to exchange their cash for some of my points, the exchange would be this
1$ = 100( so you win +20
extra than deviantart originaly gives you :iconyoyoranranruuplz: )
Everything would be via paypal, you have to sent the money first, and then send me a little screenshot confirming that you have paid (I will give you the paypal account where you have to pay) the thing is the account it's not mine, it's of my friend who is now in a school exchange in Alaska (i'm from bolivia, so we can't have paypal accounts here :iconlazycryplzthanksfully she's happy to help me ^^
My current balance is big, so it doesn't matter if you want to exchange 5$ or 200$, you can tell me and we will come on an agreement ^w^
Client List
:iconWhelms: 4$ - 400(Done)